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Altars: Satanic Music 1- Introduction

Updated: Aug 16

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If you haven't, please read my article, "Altars: Your Greatest Ally Or Worst Enemy", so you will understand the information included in this article. Who is Satan? Satan in Greek means "to oppose" or "to act as an adversary." Satan became the adversary due to his infamous rebellion against God in heaven. Before Satan's fall, his name was Lucifer. Lucifer in the original Hebrew word means "shining one, light-bearer". Ezekiel 28:13 states, "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created." Lucifer shined due to how God created him in appearance, but this is not the only reason he shined. He shined also due to his musical abilities. It is said that Satan possesses all instruments within his being. He doesn't need help in a performance. Satan can sing lead solo and background vocals at the same time. If that doesn't impress you enough, he can also generate the background music for his own musical selections. Satan was blessed with a celestial musical gift enabling him to be a magnificent one-man show. God created him to be the leader of worship music in heaven. Even as a Christian, if you choose to believe he couldn't wow you with his musical display, you're fooling yourself. Ezekiel 28:15 states, "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." This scripture lets us know that Satan could play every instrument perfectly, sing every note perfectly, and write unlimited songs perfectly. Where do you think worldly artist get a lot of their inspiration from? Ezekiel 28:14 states, "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth". The Bible only records Satan as the only angel in heaven that was anointed. This is due to the anointing being reserved for humankind. The anointing is a spiritual aid given by God for assistance in earthly assignments. To be anointed simply means to be empowered by God to carry out an assignment effectively. Due to this anointing bestowed upon Satan, he can supernaturally draw or persuade men with his music and other abilities. This is how he persuaded a third of the angels to fall with him. It wasn't just his looks, gifts, or position, but the anointing that empowered all of those things. This is what sets Satan apart from the other angels.

Ephesians 2:2 states, "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:". This scripture describes Satan as the ruler of the air. When we think of air, we think of oxygen needed for the human body to breathe. Air can also mean a frequency space that electronics connect with to send or receive signal feedback. The Lord revealed to me Satan uses this space to rule over the minds of humanity. Notice the satellite to the left. God says this is a highly technologically advanced alter used by Satan to gain access to humankind spiritually. If you don't know what an alter is, please refer to the beginning instructions of this article. Ephesians 6:12 states, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." God revealed to me high places can also mean space, which is referred to as the second heaven. Evil spirits inhabit this space and manipulate everything in it. We know satellites are positioned in space. Satan and his evil spirits manipulate this orbiting technology for his evil purposes. Satellites are artificial machines that orbit planets or stars and work as self-contained communications systems. They receive and retransmit signals from Earth using a transponder, which is a combination receiver and transmitter of radio signals. Remember in my introduction article on Altars where I mentioned your phones, laptops, tablets, and TVs serve as altars? These are referred to as mobile and stationary altars. Satellites are massive altars used by spirits to send things like curses, spells, or jinxes to your mobile or stationary devices. Our electronic devices serve as a gateway for communication on Earth. These are considered earthly altars. Satellites are considered heavenly altars since they're located in the second heaven considered space. Our earthly altars enable satellite altars to send messages from the Heavens, not just information sent to them from Earth. This means satellite altars can be used to transmit spirits to Earth, these spirits then enter Earth's atmosphere through your electronic device. You have to understand even though these altars are electronic, doesn't mean they can't be used to transmit spiritual things into your life.

You have to understand space is a spiritual place, not just some atmosphere filled with planets and stars. The Bible reveals that heaven is a place inhabited by spirits. I was asleep one night and I was taken to the spiritual realm. I looked up in the sky and I could see space from earth. I saw space flooded with spirits traveling back and forth. It was a true sight to see. To the human eye, all you can see are stars, but in the spirit, you're able to see everything spiritual taking place. Daniel 10:12-21 reveals to us how the angel Gabriel(heavenly messenger) received interference from an evil spirit(prince of Persia) while trying to deliver a message to Daniel on earth. Gabriel was coming from the third heaven where God almighty resides. He had to fight a battle with warrior angel Michael in the second heaven(space) before he could reach Earth to meet Daniel. This is the same space where satellites orbit. What spirits are you giving gateway to on your mobile devices? We need to be careful what we look at and listen to because we don't know what spirits we are opening ourselves up to in the heavens.

The music industry is a world flooded with witchcraft. Most worldly music artists are initiated witches to Satan. This is mandatory to maintain long-term career success in Hollywood. A witch is someone who practices witchcraft, which is the use of alleged supernatural powers, such as magic, to harm or inflict misfortune on others. These witch artists work hand in hand with demons to infiltrate and manipulate human lives. These artists are considered agents of Satan. These agents' job is to lead you to a life of immorality and sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states, "9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." The purpose of satanic music is to promote everything mentioned in these scriptures. These sins open humanity up to demonic possession and oppression. Music are spells. A spell, also known as an incantation, charm, enchantment, or bewitchery, is a magical formula that is spoken, sung, or chanted to trigger a magical effect on a person or object. Music is broken up into three things; vocals, words, and instrumentals. Instrumentals are rhythmic beats that catch the ear, which influences one to respond to its pattern of motion. Ancient tribes have used ceremonial rhythms for centuries to commune with spirits they deem as gods. The reason why these rhythms can attract demons is because they originate from hell and Satan's kingdoms. Fallen angels and demons are low vibrational spirits, which would make worldly instrumentals low vibrational beats. Sounds of heaven are considered high vibrational, due to them originating from high vibrational spirits. Whatever vibration you choose to interact with affects you in that spiritual manner. Musical rhythm influences moral decision-making. Words to a song are known as lyrics. These lyrics are constructed using witchcraft language that all prominent satanic artists are familiar with. Have you ever heard the term "the devil is in the details"? If you analyze the lyrics, they may contain hidden satanic messages that influence the listener's subconscious mind. Often when these songs are played backward, they reveal a new message in audio form. Satanic lyricism also is structured to hook you into vain repetition. There is power in repetition. Repetition builds up strongholds in the mind which births fruits of physical action. These satanic lyrics are constructed to sound catchy as to why they rhyme. I'm sure you've seen kid's movies where witches rhymed in the spells they chanted. This is an ancient technique of spell writing. Rap music is famous for this. When you play or recite these lyrics, you cast a spell on yourself. This gives legality for demons to enforce the spell over your life. Soon all the negativity stated within the song becomes your physical reality. Listening to worldly music is a form of cursing yourself. Witch artists are trained to sing or rap a certain way because this too activates spiritual dimensions. This process is known as syncopation in witchcraft. Syncopation is a musical technique that involves disrupting the regular flow of rhythm by accenting notes that normally wouldn't be accented. An example of this is the music genre "Heavy Metal Rock Music". This genre of music is heavily associated with demons and Satan worship. These rock artists sing these songs in a deep flamboyant dark manner. Have you ever played this genre and turned it off because it gave you a strange feeling? That's because rock music is a witchcraft tool used to summon demons.

Every song has a master copy. Before the songs are released to the public, they're placed on an altar within a cauldron room. High-level witches pray and perform incantations over the master. This infuses the master with curses. Every copy originating from the master now has the same curses attached to them. Curses enable demons to attach themselves to that music file. When people buy CD's, they contain demons in them. Even mp3 files and audio streaming still contain these curses. When the music is played, it opens portals to the spiritual realm. This enables demons to come through the speakers. These demons then begin to enter the listening victims. These evil spirits can also inhabit the place where the music is played due to legal rights. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian, if you house witch music, demons can still take up residence. By activating this music, Christians give them legal rights to do so. I will expound upon satanic music's effect on Christians in future articles.

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