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Altars: Satanic Music 3 -Satanic Infiltration Of Gospel Genre

Updated: Aug 15

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If you haven't read the other articles of this series, please go read those first. This article will cover the topic of Christians and worldly music. From earlier articles, you learned that worldly music contains demonic curses. These satanic songs attract demons, which enforce those curses in the listener's life. It has been argued if a Christian can be cursed. Satan can't curse Christians without their permission. When Christians listen to satanic music, they curse themselves. Ephesians 4:27 states, "Neither give place to the devil." When Christians entertain worldly music, they give place to the devil via their ear gate. Christians must understand that most worldly music belongs to Satan. A lot of songs listened to on earth are played in hell as demons torture lost souls. It doesn't make sense for a Christian to be listening to music that originates from hell. Proverbs 14:12 states, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.". Just because the music feels good to the flesh, doesn't mean it's healthy for one's spirit. When Christians listen to satanic music, their soul is being tainted with darkness and tortured by demons.

The Lord revealed to me when Christians listen to Satanic music, it damages their spiritual ear. This makes it hard for them to hear God's voice. This is due to the witchcraft in the music. The witchcraft puts up spiritual barriers that make it hard for Christians to maintain sensitivity to God's voice. This also damages the Christian's discernment. When a Christians discernment is damaged, it's hard to tell which voice is speaking to them. Satanic music represents Satan's voice. When a person plays his music, They're allowing him to talk in their ear. Whom voice you entertain more is who you will hear easily. It's important to rebuke the voice of Satan and welcome the voice of God. When we rebuke Satan, we're resisting him. James 4:7 states, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." We're able to silence the voice of Satan in our lives when we abstain from things that belong to him. Proverbs 4:20-22 states, "20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. 22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." When we pursue God's voice, it is life to our soul. The voice of Satan only seeks to deceive and destroy you, while God's voice seeks to enlighten you with truth and build you up. Christians are considered high vibrational spirits. God is the highest vibration of spirit. This makes it possible for Christians to have constant access to God's voice because we function on the same frequency as him. When Christians entertain satanic music, they lower their spiritual frequency. This enables low vibrational spirits like demons to gain access to them. That's why it's hard for most Christians to hear God's voice or decipher who's talking because their spiritual vibration is neither high nor low. It is somewhere in the middle, the voice of Satan is just as strong as God's voice in the Christian ear. This cancels the ability to discern. A lot of Christians are functioning at a low vibration, which is why they don't hear God's voice at all. Satan's Goal is to mess up a Christian's communication line to God so they don't get necessary messages that could spoil his plans or save their life.

2 Corinthians 11:14 states, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." Satan has infiltrated the gospel music genre. He has tainted the Gospel genre with Witchcraft lyricism. This has reshaped modern Christianity to compromise with the world. Christian music now sounds the same as worldly music. It is hard to tell the difference at times. Through witchcraft manipulation, Satan has erased the name of Jesus from modern gospel music. This isn't true for all modern gospel, but it's getting worse by the year. A lot of gospel songs we hear today originate from Hell. God revealed to me when we play and recite these false gospel songs, we're giving worship to demons. Traditional gospel music is anointed and is capable of leading the listener into God's presence, but modern gospel music has lost its anointing through compromise. Most modern gospel music is incapable of ushering the listener into the presence of the lord. Due to the desperation of gospel musicians to appeal to the youth by sounding like worldly artists, they've ignorantly become a voice for Satan. God has rejected the majority of what this modern age considers gospel music. God has revealed to me a lot of new-age gospel music attracts demons. God has stated a lot of modern gospel artists aren't living a holy life. The demons they entertain, infiltrate Christian lives through their music. God has revealed the importance of having discernment when choosing a gospel artist to listen to. God isn't with these unholy gospel artists, therefor God isn't in their music either. 1 Samuel 16:14-23 discusses how David was able to minister in song to King Saul. As a result, the demons left Saul. If an artist isn't living right, they're inhabited by demons. This makes the musician unclean. When these unclean musicians begin to minister in song, they affect their listeners with the same demonic spirit, causing sin to reign in their lives. For example, if a gospel artist is living a full-blown homosexual life, that same spirit can transfer over to the listeners receiving their music. If spirits can be banished by music, they can be received by music as well. It's important to choose our gospel music selections carefully with the help of God. An ignorant Christian can play satanic gospel music and summon demons. The demons surround them due to low vibrational audio being detected. This is how Satan deceives Christians into becoming victims of demonic deception unknowingly. Satan figured if he couldn't get real Christians to come to his satanic music, he would then bring his satanic music to them disguised as gospel music.

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