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Altars: Satanic Music 4- Satanic Youth Agenda

Updated: Aug 15

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If you haven't read the other articles in this series, please go read those first. Proverbs 22:15 states, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Have you ever observed a child's behavior when exposed to positive media? The way they act in school and other places is good vs those who are exposed to Satanic media. Satan's plan is to taint children at a young age with Satanic media. 1 Corinthians 15:33 states, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners" In this article I will focus on the impact worldly music has on kids and teenagers. Rap music is the number one genre influencing the youth. Ignorance makes kids and teenagers easily swayed and widely open to demonic deception. This ignorance stems from a lack of experience with the world. Young people are like informed clumps of clay ready to be shaped by a potter. Which hands are shaping these children more today? Gods or Satan's? Isaiah 64:8 states, "But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand." When the parent leads a child into the hands of Jesus, they begin to take on the shape of righteousness. Psalm 51:5 states, "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." When Satan deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he deceived them into taking on the form of iniquity(sin). When parents raise their children incorrectly, they place them in the hands of Satan. When kids and teenagers become exposed to sinful things of this world, they fall prey to the hands of Satan ignorantly. This allows Satan to mold them into what pleases his evil kingdom. These victimized youth began to take on an image of sin that is rebellious to God. These youth function in this world in Satan's image as an abomination to God's righteousness.

Romans 12:2 states, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." The human brain is known as an advanced human-computer. Without the brain, the body can't function. For a computer to operate, it must be programmed by software. Software can represent external factors like people, events, movies, and music. In this article, we will focus on music. Music is a powerful device that can serve as software for the human brain. Depending upon what music we listen to determines our brain's programming. In the picture to the upper left, we see a blue section called the frontal lobe. This is one of many sections of the brain. This picture describes the frontal lobe's various functions. The function I will go into detail on in this article is decision-making. The music we listen to will determine how we think and act in society. According to Romans 12:2, worldly music transforms our minds into machines of sin. Whatever the machine is programmed to do is how it will function. If all a person listens to is sinful things, this person will be more inclined to lead a sinful life. Many people have fallen victim to Satan's witchcraft music. They have allowed Satan to manipulate their minds to sin. It will be difficult for a person to make holy decisions when they're flooded with Satanic programming.

Many children listen to rap music containing many immoral suggestions. Rap music dominates everything from social media to television. In modern times, children and teenagers all have an unhealthy attachment to electronic devices. You could drive down a neighborhood and I guarantee you will find a youth listening to worldly music. They listen to it on the bus, at school, in church, over at a friend's house, in their rooms, parent's car, and at part-time jobs. The youthful mind is dominated by satanic musical programming. Children can quote rap lyrics before they can recall what a book was about in an English class. Children can tell you all about musical artists, but can't give you five solid facts about a historical figure. Through satanic programming (music), our children have been manipulated to give in to sinful nature. This is why children are cursing, stealing, sexually perverse, drug users, alcoholics, dumbfounded, etc. This is why our youth have so much trouble in school and deal with fights, suspensions, low grades, and a lack of respect for authority. Satan has programmed them to be this way through worldly music and other various media. The parents think it's only a physical problem when it's mostly spiritual. The children have been exposed to perverse spirits. As long as they continue to indulge in things like satanic music, demons will continue to have a stronghold on their minds. Proverbs 22:6 states, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I challenge all parents to take away all forms of worldly entertainment from their children for one month. Replace that with a bible and witness a significant change in their habits, intellect, and moral judgment. According to Romans 12:2, this is called transforming or reprogramming of the mind. In Proverbs 22:6, "train" refers to programming your child's mind with holiness. Life is a battle of the minds. He who has your mind controls your life. Satan is after your child's mind at an early age because their mind is more susceptible to psychological programming. As Christian adults, it's up to us to guard their minds from Satan's attacks.

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