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Altars: Your Greatest Ally Or Worst Enemy

Updated: Aug 26

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What is an altar? Altars are spiritual portals the average person isn't aware of. Many Christians don't understand what they are, even though they sit in front of one every Sunday while the pastor delivers his sermon. There are two types of altars: Divine(Holy) and Evil. Why do altars exist? So spirits can cohabitate on the earth with humankind. Why would humanity want this to happen? Humanity has longed for ancient wisdom to help guide them through life making the impossible possible. Why is an altar needed to cohabitate with spirits? In Genesis 1:26-28, God gave humanity dominion over the earth. This legal right was first bestowed upon Adam and Eve, which we as their descendants inherited by birthright. As you read the story of Adam and Eve, you will not see the term "Altar" mentioned anywhere. God is a spirit and according to Genesis 2:7, Adam was formed from the dust of the ground. This means he had a fleshly body. God placed Adam's spirit inside his body. According to Genesis 2:21-23, Eve was formed from one of Adam's ribs, enabling her to possess a fleshly body as well. Let us remember Adam is still in the garden of Eden, but what makes God's garden so different from the rest of the earth? In the garden, Adam and Eve had unlimited access to the presence of God. God would walk through the garden to commune with Adam and Eve often. What happened after Adam and Eve were banished from the garden? According to Genesis 3:24, Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden due to eating the forbidden fruit. They were forced to migrate to human territory. Being banished from the garden tells us how Adam and Eve lost their divine connection with God. According to Genesis 4:3-4, Adam and Eve had two sons Cain and Abel who lifted up sacrifices to God. What did they make the sacrifices on? The sacrifices were made on an altar. Why were sacrifices needed on an altar when none of this was necessary in the Garden of Eden? For spirits to operate on Earth's plain, they must have a human body. Once the body dies, the spirit is illegally on Earth and must be transitioned to Heaven or Hell. 2 Corinthians 5:8 informs us of spiritual law stating that spirits must leave Earth when the body becomes disqualified. God gave humanity dominion over the earth, so for spirits to gain access to the earth's plain, they must get permission from humanity. So how do divine and evil spirits gain permission through humanity? This is done through the utilization of Altars. Why did God put such a spiritual law into place that would restrict him? He did it as a protection measure to prevent Satan and his demons from taking over the earth by force. Revelation 12:12 confirms why God put this divine spiritual law into place. Satan is wroth and he seeks to destroy anything that contains the image of God. So to prevent Satan and his fallen angels from decimating earthly territory, God set up this spiritual law as a divine standard(gate) to keep evil spirits from invading human territory illegally. Isaiah 59:19 further explains how Satan often comes in like a flood to force his will on unsuspecting human victims, but God's standard keeps him in his place. Remember in Genesis 1:26-28 God gave humanity dominion over the sea, air, and earth? Revelation 12:12 confirms God's warning of Satan's mission to target those who dwell in the sea, air, and on earth. God set up standards(gates) In the sea, air, and on land to prevent evil spirits from taking over this world. Humanity having dominion means they get to decide who can come through those gates. Since Satan can't force his will on humanity at the moment, he must bend humanity's will through persuasion to let his evil spirits pass through the gates. These standards (gates) are biblically known as altars. These altars give spirits legal rights to operate on Earth's plain with or without a human body.

Things to understand about altars

  1. Altars are spiritual portals, and altars summon spirits. A portal is an opening where spirits can enter into another dimension. There are many types of altars(portals) that most people aren't aware of which open up a pathway for many spirits to influence human life. Genesis 4:7 reveals sin as the key to unlocking legal rights for evil spirits to enter the earth. These demons dwell at these spiritual doors waiting for you to come into agreement with them through sin. After your sin is offered as a sacrifice, the evil spirit has now been granted access by your sinful actions to function within the earth's human dimension. Your body can serve as an altar. Demons can gain access to your body through sin. Oppression is demons possessing parts of your body. This is due to sin having dominion over particular areas of your life. Possession is when demons have complete control of your body. This is due to sin having complete dominion over your life. Demons may not have an earthly body of their own, but they will invade yours to meet the requirement of Gods spiritual law to inhabit the earth. Romans 6:16 confirms this.

  2. Altars are spiritual airports, it is where spirits arrive and depart. According to Genesis 12:8 Abraham built an altar in a place known as Bethel. In those days altars were considered monuments built using hard materials like stone. Years later in Genesis 28:10-22 we read Abraham's grandson Jacob dwelled in the same area where the altar was built years prior. Was this altar still visible to Jacob? Probably not, but the altar spiritually was still in effect. Jacob dreamed of spirits descending up and down from a ladder. This reveals that altars serve as spiritual checkpoints where spirits can enter Earth's realm and leave again. Just because Jacob couldn't see the altar initially established by Abraham, doesn't mean it wasn't still in effect. This is why many houses are known to be "haunted" or "cursed" because evil spirits still have the legality to enter that house due to past sinful activities. If these altars go unaddressed, those demonic entities will still have the legality to take up residence in that house regardless of how many people move in and out. This is why Christians get pastors to bless their houses, to address past demonic activities, and remove curses. Many people aren't aware of these altars and wonder why their lives are in shambles due to living in a demonically oppressed house.

  3. Altars authorize spirits to be in the realm of Earth without a body. Exodus 20:24 explains that God commanded Moses to build an altar of earth. This lets us know that altars exist in other realms, not just on Earth. This commandment was given to Moses because God needed a human vessel to authorize him to come to earth. Think of it as a spiritual passport. Without a passport, citizens from one country can't visit another without legal authorization through a passport. Now that his Godly altar is built, God himself can now come and visit the earth's dimensions through legal authorization. This is how God was able to come and dwell with Moses and the ancient Israelites. Satan also knows this and urges his agents to prepare altars as well so he can inhabit Earth's dimension. This is how Satan's demonic spirits do his bidding on earth. Satan gets his human followers to authorize his demonic armies to pass through Earth's realm. This is why Satan is so adamant about recruiting human agents.

  4. An altar is where covenants are created and maintained. According to Genesis 12:7, God came down from heaven and made a promise to Abraham. A promise is simply an agreement between two or more parties. These types of agreements biblically are known as covenants. Notice soon after God made this promise to Abraham, he built an altar. The altar established the promise as a covenant connecting the spiritual realm to the earthly plain. This is how God can authorize his promise to Abraham and intervene on earth to make sure this promise remains a reality. This spiritual system of covenants is how Satan makes deals with humanity for their souls. Satan has spiritual demonic representatives who make pacts for one's soul in exchange for temporal human needs.

  5. All prayers must pass through an altar. Revelation 8:3 explains that all prayers must pass through an altar. Altars are gateways from one dimension to another. All prayers are collected by an assigned carrier spirit to pass through the gate to another dimension. Our prayers are like mail to God and the carrier angels serve as mailmen. This same spiritual law applies to demonic prayers. Satanists also pray and their messages also get transported to the demonic realm by assigned spirits. Whatever demonic entity the message is meant for will receive it. This is because prayer serves as a universal spiritual way of sending messages through the realms of the spirit.

  6. Curses and blessings are created and maintained through altars. Remember in Genesis 12:7, God made a promise to Abraham. God's promises are often referred to as blessings. Blessings are a result of covenants. Covenants are also responsible for the birth of curses. According to Mark 8:36 you can gain things of this world through a covenant with Satan, but in the process you curse yourself. These curses result in the destruction of one's soul. When you make a covenant with Satan, it just doesn't affect you. This satanic agreement now affects your whole bloodline. If it goes unaddressed, Satan will maintain legality to oppress people in your bloodline. That's why in Genesis 17, God's promise to Abraham still benefits Christians today. We are still benefiting from an agreement authorized on an altar thousands of years ago.

  7. Altars don't die, time doesn't have authority over spiritual things. Remember in point 2 where we discussed Jacob dwelling in the same land where Abraham built an altar? In Genesis 12:8 that place was called Bethel. Years later that altar may not have been visible anymore, but spiritually it is still in effect. This is why in Genesis 28:10-22, Jacob was still able to have spiritual encounters due to the altar still operating in the spirit. When altars are built on Earth, it's also being formed in the spirit. The physical representation of that altar can expire, but if the spiritual aspect goes unaddressed, this power can keep operating. Altars don't die because humanity remains ignorant of things in the spirit realm. Hosea 4:6 confirms people continue to suffer due to an unknown enemy.

  8. Only an altar can fight an altar, life is a battle of altars. Life is a battle of altars. The strongest altar will win. Romans 12:1 describes our bodies as living sacrifices, this means people can serve as altars. Romans 6:16 reveals whomever we live for will have more authority over our lives. Whomever we choose to serve requires sacrifice at many levels. Our life decisions serve as agreements. Amos 3:3 confirms whomever you agree with more will dominate the territory of your life. Agreement isn't necessarily words spoken, but everyday action one performs in their life. Holy actions place you in agreement with God, evil actions place you in agreement with Satan. If a Christian is living lukewarmly, it will be hard for God's altar in their life to be effective against Satan's altar. Remember God and Satan cannot force your hands, they must both play by the rules. If a Christian lives wickedly 5 days out the week and 2 days holy, which altar do you think will win the battle?

  9. Altars can be places or people. Remember point 8 where we discussed altars being people according to Romans 12:1? Altars can also be places as well. Places dedicated to spirits or deities for worship can serve as altars. Examples are Christian churches, Satanic churches, freemason lodges, religious temples, religious monuments, locations where secret satanic societies meet, etc. Whatever spiritual entities these buildings and locations are dedicated to, grant access for these same spirits to come and dwell within. Whatever territories and people are located around these spiritually dedicated places, can be subject to these spirits' manipulation.

  10. An altar can alter or change the outcome of your destiny. This is what it means to have an alternate ending. Genesis 25:29-34 explains how Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob. Esau saw no profit in his future because his judgement was clouded by temporary trials. Satan likes to take advantage of his victim's current issues to offer them an alternative In exchange for his help. They must enter into a covenant with him. This agreement is now authorized on an altar and established in the spiritual realm. Unknowingly, the victim ignorantly gave Satan legality to ALTER(change) their life according to his will. Things may go well at first and you may get what you wanted, but trouble will soon follow. All gifts Satan gives will cost you more than you're willing to pay. Your life situation will begin to grow far worse than it was before the deal was struck with Satan. Most times the person never becomes what God intended them to be because their destinies were captured and diverted on an altar. Remember deals aren't just face-to-face agreements struck with Satan, but everyday life decisions made to partake in things that belong to Satan in this world. According to Proverbs 10:22, God provides solutions to humanity's problems without the recoil of curses. This is one of Satan's greatest deceptions in which curses are camouflaged as blessings.

  11. It's hard to overthrow an evil altar with whom you have something in common. Proverbs 14:12 explains how humanity participates in activities that strengthen the foothold of Satan in their lives. If we remain in those activities, these Satanic altars have legality to reign in our lives. This is why it's important to ask God to reveal anything we may be doing to give Satan legality. A lot of people especially Christians, have cursed objects in their homes that were dedicated to demons on altars. These dedicated objects serve as an extension of that evil altar. Whether these objects are worn or used as house decorum, they grant evil altars legality to manipulate the person or place. Deuteronomy 7:26 confirms what I just explained above.

  12. Altars are platforms of warfare. In 1 Kings 18:19-39 we see a contest of prophet Elijah's altar against the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal's altar. The Baal prophets did all they could to summon their deity of worship but received no answer. Only one Godly representative prophet Elijah was needed to call on the divine deity. God answered Elijah the first time by sending fire from heaven to consume the altar. As we see, God's divine altar took the day. This is proof that hundreds of evil priests can conspire against your life on an altar, and still be conquered very easily with one faithful prayer. This is the power of almighty God. Every day evil witches wage war against the world through altars, but Christians have nothing to fear if they stay strong within the power of Gods might according to Ephesians 6:10.

  13. Whoever carries the superior altar takes the day. Remember we discussed this in point 12. Matthew 17:14-21 discusses a man who brought his son to the multitude of disciples to be cured of a demon who caused him to be a lunatic. This demon plagued its victim with curses which caused his life to be endangered daily. The disciples tried to cast this spirit out but failed due to a lack of faith. The disciples failed to be strong in the might of God according to Ephesians 6:10. We see how Jesus was able to successfully cast out the demon. Remember in points 8 & 9 where we discussed altars being people or places? When we yield ourselves to the spirit of God through faith, we present ourselves as living altars. This allows the power of God to flow through us as Christians. This is only possible through faith. This lets us know faith is the spiritual key used to start the engine of altars and keep them running. The disciples allowed carnal thoughts of doubt to prevent God's power from flowing through them successfully. Jesus expressed the importance of prayer and fasting because they realign our way of thinking to agree with God's thoughts. Proverbs 23:7 confirms this. Jesus completely surrendered his way of thinking to the will of God, allowing his body to be used as a medium to channel deliverance power.

  14. An altar is a spiritual power station. As we learned from point 13, our bodies serve as altars(physical mediums) to allow power to be received into our human vessels. Acts 1:8 provides proof once we surrender to God's spirit, he can use our bodies to transfer divine energy. Again I emphasize the importance of Prayer and fasting. These are universal laws that are not restricted just to the Christian community. Witches also have to pray and fast to receive more power from the demonic realm. Christians are very lazy when it comes to fasting and prayer. It's like trying to pull an angry bull in the opposite direction when it comes to a Christian fasting successfully for one day. Christians struggle to pray and fast for a couple of hours a day, but witches can fast and pray for days. The problem is discipline and lack of understanding on the Christians part. The witches understand the power fasting and prayer brings, hence why they do much of it and try to prevent Christians from doing it at all. This is why Christians keep getting constantly defeated by the powers of darkness. Most Christians' spiritual batteries are either low or dead. How can you expect to go up against an enemy with a full charge when your battery is low? Isaiah 40:31 provides the solution to this spiritual issue.

  15. Altars are a place of exchange. Remember what we discussed in points 5 & 6. Altars are places where messages are sent and received. Altars are places where questions are asked and answers are received. Altars are places where requests are made known and responses are given. Matthew 7:7-8 confirms this. Prayer is how you communicate at an altar. Wherever you choose to pray becomes a temporary altar. The spiritual altar summoned represents your prayer life and it begins to change the atmosphere to the secret place of God. Psalms 91:1 confirms this. The more you pray, the stronger your prayer altar becomes. Spiritual fire lifts up to the heavens from your prayer altar. The spiritual fire is representative of your sacrifice of time to get into the secret place. This takes discipline to do.

  16. An altar is where humanity meets with divinity. As discussed in point 15, Psalms 91:1 confirms the number one way to have a divine encounter with God is through prayer. 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 describes how Paul had divine encounters with God through visions. Paul had to be a man of prayer because this is how we communicate with God. Do you think he would've had these levels of visions if it wasn't for him having a true relationship with God? James 4:8 confirms this.

  17. An altar is a place of sacrifice and is fueled by them. For an altar to function, it must receive blood. Christians use the blood of Jesus Christ to satisfy this requirement according to Hebrews 9:13-10:18. Satanic altars also require sacrifice. A perfect example of this is children being offered up to the deity Molech according to Leviticus 18:21. Molech was the pagan god of the Ammonites (Genesis 19:36-38) to whom people offered their children in sacrifice. Child sacrifice is one of the strongest sacrifices that can be made and provides the witch extreme occultic power. This is due to babies being one of the purest forms of sacrifice on earth. Occultic groups are notorious for participating in child sacrifice for more favor from Satan. Secret societies in Hollywood participate in this satanic ritual. Many of your favorite celebrities are members of these societies committing these abominations. These celebrity stars do this to obtain fame or a higher level of it. Many stars do this to maintain relevancy within their careers as well. A lot of fans love these stars and consider them to be motivation, not knowing the evil they do in the dark. Demonic altars are also fed blood by unlawful murders and senseless wars that take place in this world. Proverbs 1:11 confirms this.

  18. An altar is a place of worship. 1 Kings 16:32 describes how King Ahab set up an altar for the deity Baal. 1 Kings 16:31 confirms the worship at an evil altar performed by King Ahab and his queen Jezebel. Exodus 20:24-26 describes how God commanded Moses to build an altar for sacrifice and communion with his people. Offering sacrifices is a form of worship to God because the worshipper acknowledges him as a higher being to whom they pledge their allegiance. If you notice in churches the pulpit is one big altar. People often come to the altar for prayer and worship. The church altar is also where choirs lead prayer and worship with song. If you have been paying attention to this article, the church altar is also where the message of God is delivered and received by the audience. Church altars are also where people receive salvation. We discussed this in point 15. The church members are receiving from God through a church altar. There is something that most people aren't aware of in this world. Worldly music concerts serve as demonic altar services. The worldly music artist serves as the priest. They help usher in the presence of Satan and his demons. These demons then possess their victims in the audience because they open themselves up to be used. A lot of ignorant fans receive curses in their life due to participating in a satanic concert. I will go into detail about this in a separate dedicated article. Romans 6:16 sums up everything we discussed in this section.

Altars can either be mobile or stationary. These stationary altars remain in one area while you have mobile altars that can be relocated. This day and age is more technologically advanced than its predecessors. Altars in ancient times were mostly made of stone and wood. Throughout the years of evolution and new technological discoveries, altars have become more advanced and sophisticated. Satan has evolved his way of deception to entrap humanity into giving him more legality. With better technology comes easier ways to access the spiritual realm. This has given Satan easier access to infiltrate humanity while going unnoticed. 2 Corinthians 2:11 states, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." One thing you should know is altars can be electronic. Every household in the world has this electronic altar called a television. The television is considered a stationary altar. How does a tv work? You have to use a remote control to turn on this electronic altar. Then you choose what you want to view right? This is done by channeling. You change the channel until you find something that interests you. The tv is connected to airwaves which is why it serves as the receiver and the station omitting airwaves is the sender. Doesn't this sound familiar? I spoke on this in my 18 points. Ephesians 2:2 states, "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:" The airwaves are dominated by satanic broadcast. Most things that come on tv are worldly demonic entertainment. When you use your remote to channel your favorite worldly movie, you're performing a ritual on yourself. The demonic remote control is often used by witches to alter(change) the state of mind and is used heavily to control the outcome of a victim's destiny. Your sacrifice of time to this electronic altar rewards you with entertainment(demonic distraction). Most people can sit and watch TV for hours not realizing that it has them in a trance. This altar is designed to steal your time away from the things of God. The victim doesn't realize they have cast a spell on themselves, allowing demons to come through the TV screen and enter that house or person. Worldly entertainment can invite curses, which in return gives demons legality to infiltrate that territory. Be careful what you watch because your television could be serving as a large stationary gateway for demons to enter your house. Another electronic altar most people of age possess is a mobile phone. Even kids have phones these days. These phones are considered mobile altars because they can be taken everywhere you go. They're small, convenient, and can fit in your pocket. These mobile altars are used to channel worldly entertainment on the go, from movies to music. With these electronics being used for evil, demons have a consistent line to access a victim's life no matter their location. It's interesting to discover the very thing humanity spends the most time on could be the cause of demons entering and plaguing their life. Just because you can't see the demons with your natural eyes, doesn't mean your television or phone didn't summon them. Other popular electronic mobile altars are tablets, laptops, and smartwatches. This was a crash course in altars. I hope this knowledge has armed you with a better understanding. I will do other articles tackling altars from different perspectives.

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