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Hospitals: Hidden Witchcraft In Plain Sight( Part 2)

Updated: Aug 15

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If you haven't read Hospitals: Hidden Witchcraft In Plain Sight( Part 1), please go read that article first. Humanity has become so dependent on medication more than the natural means God has provided to maintain health in the human body. This is by design, the pharmaceutical industry has no desire for humanity's health to fully improve. They only desire to profit off of humanity's physical insufficiencies. They go by the famous quote, "There's no profit in a cure." According to the Google search engine, a pharmaceutical company, also known as a drug company or pharma, is a commercial business that researches, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes drugs and medicines. These drugs are intended to treat, prevent, mitigate, diagnose, or cure diseases, or to affect the body's structure or functions. God has revealed to me these medicines were not created with the intent to heal but to mitigate and keep their victim dependent. Isn't this what drug dealers on the street do? Both pharmaceutical medicine and narcotics are known as drugs. What's the difference? By earlier definition, they both do the same thing and have damaging long-term effects. Is this not the true definition of witchcraft? The only difference is one is legal and the other is not. These pharmaceutical companies are well aware of natural cost-efficient cures, but pay millions to hide these secrets while pushing their satanic drugs on the masses. The drug industry is very satanic. God revealed to me a lot of these drugs are manufactured in satanic laboratories and contain demons in them. When people consume these drugs ignorantly, they fall victim to demonic manipulation.

Have you ever noticed a lot of pharmaceutical medicine have more cons than pro's? They have more negative side effects on the body than healing effects. This isn't normal. God's hand is not in the making of these Satanic medications. Why would God want you to take drugs that can make your health worse over time? John 5:6 states, "When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?" According to this scripture, God wants us fully healed, not mitigated in exchange for more health problems down the road. Proverbs 10:22 states, "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." According to this scripture, receiving healing from God has no negative side effects. Receiving many satanic medications can mitigate ailments, but can have long-term negative side effects on the body. That's because Satan doesn't have the power to truly heal you, witchcraft is used to mitigate one's problems short term in exchange for more long-term problems in the future. This is how witchcraft works. Satanic medications are tools used in ritualistic witchcraft. Genesis 1:29 states, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." According to this scripture, God has given us natural means to nurture and heal the body. Through Satanic programming, Satan has used the medical industry to convince the masses there's more hope in his satanic medication, than God's natural provision. God has revealed to me they're demons who specialize in medical science. It's their job to maintain and update human medical studies with the latest in demonic deception. Students go to school to learn this satanically tainted information to fulfill a career as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. God has provided man with divine knowledge on how to keep maintenance on the human body, but Satan has contaminated this information with evil to benefit his satanic agenda. This is a representation of knowledge possessing both good and evil according to Genesis 2:17. God gave me a revelation on medicine and its side effects. Matthew 12:43-45 discusses a demon taking advantage of an unsuspecting victim through ignorance. The demon seeks to inhabit the body while bringing in other demons to help destroy the human body. This scripture is the true definition of Satanic medication. It is a demon who possesses side effects that will make your state worse than it was. Does this sound like healing or a demonic deception to you? God wouldn't give humanity alternatives that can cause more damage to our bodies than good. Many people take these drugs to treat a couple of problems and begin to develop many other ailments from medicine that is supposed to be helping them. When God heals you, it's complete. He will not cause you to be dependent on medication for the rest of your life. This is a form of slavery and can again be defined as witchcraft manipulation. When people try to get off these medications, they begin to have withdrawals causing the body to be in danger of deconstruction. This sounds similar to the side effects of narcotics right? They are the same. Narcotic and medicine productions come from the same satanic laboratories.

Short True Story

My grandma dealt with health issues her whole life. She lived dependent on medication her whole life. The devil took advantage of her lack of discipline for physical health, which led her to seek pharmaceutical means for sustainment. I noticed growing up that these prescribed medicines didn't make her healthier, but made her dependent. They didn't cure her only mitigated. My parents helped to care for her and she started to show signs of better health. She had a minor ailment which caused her to be placed in the hospital. This is where things get suspicious. My grandma went in fine with minor problems. She smiled a little as we spent time with her and left. When we came back to visit her, she was in critical condition with the possibility of death. How does that happen? How does a person go into the hospital with minor issues and end up in critical condition? The doctor stated we gave her an "experimental new drug", I then knew this was the culprit. The Lord revealed to me my grandma's life was forfeited via pharmakon. Remember medicine is administered through doctors/pharmacist(pharmakeus). By Strong's Greek Lexicon concordance definition, they're poisoners. God revealed to me my grandma was poisoned via pharmakeia(sorcery/witchcraft). I was enraged and wanted to hurt that doctor, but I realized he was ignorant of spiritual matters. He was only doing what he was taught. He didn't know man's medical knowledge had been tainted with witchcraft ideologies.

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