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Hospitals: Hidden Witchcraft In Plain Sight( Part 4)

Updated: Aug 14

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Witchcraft can be a very complex topic. Let's divide the word up into two words. Oxford Dictionary defines a witch as a person thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly. So even by English definition, a witch is associated with evil. Oxford Dictionary defines craft as a skill used to deceive others. So even by English definition, craft is associated with deception. When we combine key points in both definitions we get an evil person with magical powers using their skills to deceive others. These witches are the sons of Satan according to the bible. John 8:44 states, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." Witches are not fairy tales, they are real. Real witches existed thousands of years ago and are still common today. I'm not referring to people who think they're witches, I'm referring to those who have access to the satanic spiritual hierarchy. Numbers 22 discusses King Balak who feared the ancient Israelites due to the dominance bestowed upon them by God. He hired a witch named Balaam to curse the Israelite people to drive them out of the land. Oxford Dictionary defines a curse as a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. Curses are also ritual agreements made between demons whose sole job is to carry out the desires of that curse. So what do witches have to do with hospitals?

Satan's mission is to cause humanity to die in sin, so they go to hell as a result. Hell is a place where unrepentant souls are placed till the day of God's judgment. It is the witch's job to send out spiritual darts for the manipulation of its victim. Ephesians 6:16 states, "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." These witches will seek to capture the soul of their mark for Satan's purposes. These witches work hand in hand with demons to accomplish this goal. This is the reason many medical operations are unsuccessful. This is why medical patients suffer from sickness, but the doctor can't find the issue. Doctors don't realize the origin of these infirmities is spiritual, not physical. Doctors can't pick up demonic spirits on their scans. Witches don't have to be at the hospital personally to get the job done. Spiritual matters are not dictated by distance or location. The witches can be the doctors themselves. They could also be any other employee in the hospital. They could be hospital visitors pretending to visit the sick. These witches will also pose as Christians to gain access to the sick. Please refer to 1 John 4:1. Witches are like government agents, they pretend to be something they are not, to blend into the environment to accomplish their mission. Witches can set up altars in hospitals to give demons access. These altars can give legality for curses and demonic activity to flourish within an environment. If you do not know what altars are, please refer to my "Altars: Your Greatest Ally Or Worst Enemy" article. This could be the very reason patients always die when they are housed in a certain hospital room. This could be the reason most surgical procedures are unsuccessful due to evil spiritual forces conspiring against them. A witch can send curses of death to the hospital. These curses can mark victims for death when they were meant to live. Witches can curse objects like gifts received by sick patients. Witches can go into the hospital gift shop and place curses on those products. The medications themselves can be bottled curses. The recipient of these gifts can soon suffer misfortune. When things aren't going right in the hospital, analyze the surroundings. Curses aren't just objects themselves, they can be symbols as well. Please refer to Deuteronomy 7:26. You never know whose an agent of Satan sent to destroy you. They could be the nice person you talked to for hours in the waiting room. They could be the doctor preparing to operate on you. This is why it's important to be covered under the blood of Jesus and hearken to his voice. When Christians do this they are saved from danger. Please refer to Psalms‬ ‭91:6. I read an NBC article where a hospital in the Southern African country of Swaziland may have been operating a black market in human body parts used in magic spells. I watched a YouTube video called "Witchcraft Expose at Hospital", where someone built an evil altar in the hospital. What if witches are employed at blood banks? This would mean they can gain access to various blood types. Via witchcraft, this could give Satan access to family lines. This can birth generational curses within the bloodline. Witches can drink or offer blood on an altar to establish covenants with demons. These covenants mean bad news for you. This is why it's important to pray over the blood you donate to these establishments. Please refer to 1 Kings 18:28 and Leviticus 7:26.

Humanity isn't aware of extreme demonic activity within hospitals. In the spiritual world, hospitals are considered places of death and infirmity to Satan. Again I reiterate, that a demon's purpose is to lead one to a life of sin and claim their life for hell domination. Demons seek to kill you before a chance is taken to repent. Those who die unrepentant will be doomed to eternity in hell. John 8:24 states, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." If God allowed one's spiritual eyes to be opened, you would be horrified by its spiritual realities. You would see a countless demon-infested hospital. These demons circle the hospital on the ground waiting for its victims to leave. These demons circle and crowd hospital rooftops waiting to collect a soul. Demons have claimed and continue to claim thousands of unrepentant souls from the hospital. These demons crowd the inside of the hospitals operating in spiritual manipulation. They dwell at the beds of dying patients, waiting for their life to expire. The doctors are the only thing standing between the patients and demons waiting to drag their souls to hell.

Here are some real-life accounts documented on "Nurselabs"

  • A nice old lady told my CNA she wanted to wear all white. When asked why, she said, “The man in black is here.” She looked in the corner of the room. The CNA looked, but there was no one there. That’s when I came into the room. We asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said “he’s in all black", and "he’s got a top hat on." Then she whispered “And his eyes are red”. While her eyes moved across the room directly behind the CNA, she was watching him move closer to us. She died later that night. But it was unexpected. That room creeped me out for a long time after that.

  • “The devil has been in my room all night, but don’t worry, God is with you.” This man had the worst death ever too. He had a horrendous seizure and died with his eyes wide open and a horrible grimace on his face. He had also been yelling all night about the “devil” and saying over and over, “Get out of here!", "This building’s gonna blow!"

  • Ugh. I was a hospice nurse for many years. Super gratifying job for a nurse, surprisingly. As a “regular” nurse, you are rarely offered thanks. Hospice nursing is an island unto itself. Mostly peaceful, lots of times sad, often a blessing. This is sad, but also creepy, and I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it. I Had a 20-year-old kid, a gang member, who was dying of primary liver cancer. Super unusual, aggressive, and terminal. He was angry at the universe. His family was there to comfort him, but he spit in their faces. Every ounce of energy he had left was angry and mean and ugly. His mom would beg him to lighten up and accept Jesus into his heart. He would swing at her and tell her to eff herself. The family remained beside him, in hopes he would chill out at the end. His last day, hours, moments, he was angry. The family called me into the room, and told me they thought he was going (he wasn’t responding, Cheyne-Stokes breaths, eyes glossy and skin cold–the end was imminent.) His lovely mother, in her dearest attempt, whispered to him to go towards the light, to her Jesus. With his dying breath, he opened his eyes, looked at her, and said “Eff your Jesus!!!”. A second or two later, he slowly turned his head to the left and got the most horrific look on his face as if he was looking at something we couldn’t see, and horrified, like in a bad movie, his face contorted, and he screamed with his last breath, eyes wide, “Oh shit, oh shit, OH NOOOOOOO!!!!”, then made a guttural noise and promptly fell back into the bed and died. Every family member was shaking and too frightened to speak, and I left the room and took two days off. I don’t care if I never find out what he saw.

There are more detailed accounts from various other online sources, but I just needed to show you proof of these demonic spiritual events. This article isn't made up and supernatural things do take place in these medical establishments. In the hospitals, there are various specialty sectors to which soul-collecting demons are assigned. It is said these demons are known to be hooded dark figures. The medical ward and intensive care unit are the worst. A lot of patients diagnosed as insane are demonically possessed. Doctors often try to treat this with physical medication because that's how they were taught. Unless they're Christian, that's all they know. Even Christians have to abide by work procedures while on the job. Remember a lot of medication is satanic and can make the victim's state worse. The doctor's spiritual ignorance has been the cause of many patient's demise. They ignorantly helped the demons seal the victim's fate without knowing it. Please refer to Romans 8:9-11. Demonic activity is more rampant in these specific medical departments due to possession and patients being close to death. Demons can manipulate medical office decisions within the hospital. They can influence doctors to make bad medical decisions. This can cause medical patients' lives to be forfeited due to demonic deception. If you're not saved by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, devils wait with anticipation to collect your soul. Once they succeed in capturing your soul, they transport you to the pits of hell. What I discussed so far exemplifies the importance of remaining in prayer for God's protection against demonic attacks like these. Please refer to Psalms 91.

Most hospitals have a place called chapels within the medical facility. These chapels are ways for patients to gather and support each other under the guidance of a religious figure. These religious rooms are mostly dedicated to the Christian religion and used as such. These religious rooms contain spiritual gateways called altars. Please refer to my article "Altars: Your Greatest Ally Or Worst Enemy", for more information. In this example, I'm referring to Godly(righteous) altars. When divine spiritual altars are erected in these rooms, it allows God's angels access to the hospitals. Man thought it was their idea to place these chapels in hospitals, but it was God strategically intervening to counter demonic activity in hospitals. Revelation 8:3 states, "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne." Angels can intervene against demonic activity in hospitals whenever a Christian intercedes in prayer. The more a Christian prays, the stronger angels are against demonic opposition. The more Christians pray, the more angels get deployed to earth. Please refer to Psalms 103:20. This could mean the difference between someone living or dying on the operating table or patient bed. God has angels in heaven who specialize in full medical knowledge of the human body. These angels know human anatomy better than any human scientist or doctor on earth. When intercession prayer is answered in heaven, these medical angels are deployed to the hospital. Doctors wonder how most difficult surgeries are successful. They stand in awe of how patients survive these types of surgeries. The medical angels provide wisdom to doctors when they're diagnosing sickness to make sure it's correct. They look over the shoulders of surgeons when they perform operational procedures. They carefully guide the doctor on where to cut and what not to touch. They instill wisdom on how to close up the wounds correctly so patients heal from surgery correctly. Doctors think they're successful due to years of medical education and job experience, but God provides divine intervention in most cases. Doctors wouldn't be as successful if it wasn't for God's helping hand. Please refer to John 15:5. Medical angels are not solely dedicated to hospitals, but are dispatched anywhere on earth where faith in God's healing power is present. James 5:15 states, "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him."

I Hope what I discussed in this medical series has opened your eyes to new spiritual truths. This series should have taught you the importance of spiritual discernment, physical health, and a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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