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Jesus Christ Revelation: Satanic Conditioning(Fear)

Updated: Aug 15

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I was on my phone browsing social media when I came across a video of an animal keeper managing a group of lions. This animal keeper would hit the lion over the top of the head whenever it was being disobedient. This intrigued me because the lion was much bigger, stronger, and faster than its keeper. The only thing standing between this ferocious beast and the man was a small stick. I couldn't understand why a powerful lion would be afraid of a man with a small stick. It turns out the animal keeper has been conditioning the lion since childhood to fear the stick. The Lord then spoke to me and stated, this is how Satan conditions humanity to fear him. This is why so many people fear Satan and his demons due to a lack of knowledge. Satan has conditioned the masses throughout history via horror movies, video games, folklore, false religions, and supernatural events to deem himself as a superior deity. Humanity has been conditioned to fear him. People have more fear and reverence for the name Satan than they do for my name, Jesus Christ. This is ironic because, in the spiritual realm, my name shakes the foundation of dimensions. My name brings Satan to his feet. My name makes demons run away in fear. In movies like Exorcist, Satan has written the movie to reflect Godly ministers getting overwhelmed by demonic forces. In reality, it's the other way around. True representatives of God overcome the devil. Then the viewers in movie theatres scream at the horror they witness on screen. This is nothing but satanic programming. Satan is programming the masses to think the force of evil is greater than righteousness. Even Christians have allowed themselves to fall victim to this satanic conditioning subconsciously. Whenever they entertain material of evil defeating good from a carnal understanding, they're allowing Satan to sow seeds of doubt in their minds. Doubt is the number one killer of faith. According to Mark 9:24, doubt correlates to unbelief. This means doubting that God can deliver you from various situations. In this example, believing demons are more powerful than God's word.

Jesus continued to say, even Christians fear Satan more than me. Just like in the Lion and the Stick video, Satan has used the stick of lies, illusion, and deception to condition God's people to fear him. It's hard to fight against an enemy you fear. This is due to ignorance of my word. Hosea 4:6 states, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:" My people are not aware of the spiritual authority they have over Satan and his demons. Satanic forces are very aware of the spiritual advantages Christians possess over them. This is why they work so hard to keep Christians ignorant of all the spiritual weapons they have at their disposal to tear down the satanic kingdoms. They work twice as hard to prevent humanity from becoming Christians, so they don't obtain this same spiritual authority. The satanic kingdom desperately wants to maintain spiritual control over the ignorant masses. As long as spiritual authority is absent, demonic oppression can prevail. My word says in Luke 10:19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." I have given every believer power over Satan and his demons. The more revelation you receive on this, the less you will fear Satan. People fear Satan because they don't have a higher revelation of my glory. I say to my people, stop allowing Satan to beat you over the head with a stick. You're a ferocious lion in the spirit. If you walk in my word and exercise the authority I gave you, Satan will have no choice but to flee from you. My word says in Revelation 1:18, "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." I'm in full control of everything, Satan doesn't run the show. Satan can do nothing without my permission. Satan can do nothing to you, but what you permit him to do. Stop permitting Satan to beat on your health, finances, marriages, peace, businesses, churches, children, and destinies with a stick. Know your authority and use it. This is the revelation God gave me for this article. A Christian friend in college once told me, "Evil runs from us, we don't run from evil". Like Jesus stated, Stand and fight. Don't let Satan steal from you. Don't let him ruin your life. Exercise your God-given authority to protect what's yours and keep evil in its place.

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