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Sports: A Satanic Distraction

Updated: Aug 18

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If you haven't read my article "The G.O.A.T Deception", please do so. According to statistics nearly 160 million people in the US watched live sports at least once a month in 2023. From 158 million in 2022, the number increased by 0.1% by 2023 to 159 million viewers. This number is expected to grow by 0.2% by 2025, reaching 162 million live sports viewers. According to Sports Business Journal, an average of 103.6 million fans attended MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, and/or MLS games in each of the past five years, which is almost one-third of the US population. I included this information in this article to give you a general picture of how much sports has consumed the world. It's one of the world's leading forms of entertainment and growing. According to reachrightstudios, there are over 29,944 pastors currently employed in the United States. On average, churches are at 85% of their pre-pandemic attendance level (Lifeway Research). Because of reduced attendance rates, 68% of churches have congregations of fewer than 100 people, including 31% who have fewer than 50 (Lifeway Research).

As you can see, more people attend sporting events than church services on average. A lot of these attendees are Christian. Exodus 20:3 states, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The world has made a God out of its favorite sports which can be considered a religion in itself. People from all walks of life live, eat, and breathe sports. While they're at work, they check the sports app. When they are supposed to be asleep, they're up late at night waiting to see which team will win. While at family functions, one's favorite game is streamed on the nearest TV or phone. Even Christians have fallen prey to this satanic stupor. While in church they check their phones for Sunday's lineup. Some even go as far as to stream games on the phone while in church. We know that church is a place where all focus should be on God almighty, but Satan's distractions have even stolen away the hearts of the Christians. If certain teams are playing, some people will even skip church altogether in preparation for the big game. You have church members who will leave church early in preparation for Sunday football. Church members will rush the service for fear of missing sports games. You have church members who come to church and discuss sports more than the things of God. You have church members who will wear their favorite team sports ties to church while not participating in church activities. Pastors have even ended their sermons early to make it home in time for the game. Many church services and activities have been canceled for the sake of sporting events. Children are absent from church activities because they're consumed with team practices. A lot of Christians are more passionate about debating their favorite team than discussing Jesus dying on the cross. Since when have sports become more important to Christians than the things of God?

The church is becoming more scarce by the week. Why can't people see the world is in poor spiritual condition? Even Christians are willing to forsake the things of God for an NBA playoffs game or World Cup soccer event. If the Superbowl was scheduled at the same time as church services, the church would almost be empty for the day. The issue is the condition of one's heart. Matthew 6:21 states, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Satan has stolen the hearts of many away from God through the device of sports. You have Christians who confess they love God but struggle to spend 30 minutes reading his word or praying to him. These same Christians can sit up late at night and watch a sports game for 3 hours with 3 overtimes. You have Christians who can't come to church 3 times out the month for a couple of hours but can go to a sporting event that lasts half the night. You have Christians who can't quote any scripture verbatim but can quote their favorite athlete stats. These same Christians can't provide 15 scriptures describing Jesus Christ but can provide a detailed memory presentation of their favorite athlete's life and career achievements. Christians know more about athletes than their lord and savior. You have Christians who won't shed a tear in church but will get emotional over their favorite team losing the championship. Matthew 6:21 confirms the state of humanity's heart poster. We care more about the things of this world than the spiritual things of God. 1 John 2:15-17 states, "15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." Many people have fallen in love with this world instead of Jesus Christ. Whom you love, your time will be consumed with. Even Christians have fallen out of love with God for the pursuit of worldly enjoyment. When it comes down to deciding to do the will of God or worldly activities, Jesus Christ is always positioned in second place to the carnal minds. God is saying sports have become your god. You have become a lover of the created more than the creator. The love of my father isn't in you because you have given in to carnal desires of the flesh. Your eyes have lusted for sports entertainment rather than desiring to fill your eyes with my holy scripture. You have cast lots(gambled) for the sake of team pride. You continue to waste the financial resources I have given you which draws you closer to Satan instead of me. When you pay for those expensive sporting events, you're offering sacrifices up to satan instead of my holy church. When you attend those sporting events, you worship Satan instead of my Father who is in heaven. When you continue to overindulge in the things of this world, you forsake my way. You have allowed that old serpent to lure you away from me just like Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden. You have forgotten the things of this world will pass away. The best sports team or athlete will not hold weight concerning your eternal judgment. The greatest moment in sports history will not save you from eternal damnation. Only my blood sent to cover your sins will suffice.

Leviticus 19:4 states, "Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the LORD your God." Many people look up to athletes in unhealthy ways. Children are the most affected due to programmability. Society has programmed children to look towards athletes as the standard for worldly success. From childhood parents groom their children for sports in hopes of them making it to the professional leagues. Kids watch these athletes dunk, run, kick, punch, wrestle, and juke opponents and instantly work to imitate them. Children's lives are so consumed with sports, even their grades suffer. These athletes are superheroes to children. The problem is most athletes are not Christian, so children are following athletes whom are not led by God. These worldly athletes continue to lead our youth down a path of fleshly glorification and worldly praise. No matter how great a person is, a true Christian figure would give all the glory back to God for their accomplishments. Carnal figures steal God's glory, professing self-sufficiency. These athletic figures are worshiped as gods on earth. People would rather pay to meet an idol than vast in the presence of God for free. 1 Corinthians 9:23-27 teaches us how these idols persuade the masses to dedicate their lives to the pursuit of crowns that will perish. Regardless of your sacrifice or how you may feel about winning a championship, this will not hold any weight concerning where you will spend eternity. God has told us only the things of heaven will last, and physical sacrifice for worldly things will expire. God isn't saying for us not to have fun and enjoy our lives, but he's saying these things shouldn't be placed above him. It's not s sin to play most sports, but to make a god out of them is a sin. Leviticus 19:31 states, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God." Isaiah 19:3 states, "And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards." Many people spend their lives wishing they could do the things athletes do on TV screens. They wish they could be famous and admired like athletes. People even wish to be wealthy like popular athletes. Many people dedicate their lives to the craft in hopes of obtaining mastery just like the idolized athletes that came before them. What most people don't know is many of these athletes consult Satan to obtain favor, skill, and riches. These favors are granted by witchcraft means. A lot of spectacular acts performed by athletes come from demonic power. God almighty does bless people with physical talent, however many athletes deem it insufficient. Instead of trusting in what God has already given them, they go to Satan for a quick remedy to resolve milestones. A lot of athletes are involved in satanic societies and groups that perform immoral rituals to maintain the gifts of Satan in their careers. A lot of these athletes are in covenant with demons. These athletes have caused many close to them to pass through the fire for selfish gain(Human sacrifice). These athletes are willing to sacrifice moral integrity for the sake of joining the Hall of Fame. Not all athletes do this, but many do. These are the same idols that adults and children look to be like. Ignorantly the masses are worshipping satanic followers of Satan. These Satanic Idols are inducting their fans into satanic worship unknowingly. This is why people are becoming obsessed with these athletes due to witchcraft. These satanic athletes serve as a conduit for seducing spirits of idol worship to plague its victims. The job of these spirits is to lead one away from God and closer to Satan's web of entanglement. Satan seeks to draw attention and worship away from God and to place it on himself. Whenever people worship these satanic athletes, they're worshiping Satan unknowingly.

When I was younger, I didn't care much for Kobe Bryant. As I got older I started to appreciate his dedication and competitiveness for the sport of basketball. He was the closest to Jordan and many will argue he surpassed him. My admiration grew for him towards the end of his career. He scored 60 points in his last game on Apr 13, 2016, where they would go on to beat the Jazz 101 - 96. Kobe struggled at first, but would soon put on one of the greatest performances of his career. I would listen to videos explaining how Kobe would be one of the first to arrive at the gym and the last to leave. He would never celebrate till the job was done. He would sacrifice time away from friends and family for the sake of mastering his craft. He would sacrifice vacation time for gym time. Kobe would never celebrate a win in the finals due to the job not being done. Kobe had some of the greatest work ethic in the sport of basketball. Kobe ended his career with 5 championships, 4 time MVP, 18-time All-Star, and 33,643 points. Unfortunately, he was killed in a helicopter accident on Jan. 26, 2020. The Lord revealed to me through testimony revelation where Kobe went after death. I know this is a controversial topic, but it's up to you to decide if you want to believe. These are the lord's words: Kobe spent his whole life allowing basketball to consume his time. All he ever cared about was being the best he could be, even if it meant sacrificing time with others. This included time with me, I am the lord Jesus Christ. Kobe Bryant was a practicing Catholic, who prayed to Mother Mary. For those of you who don't know Mary was my earthly mother who conceived me on earth through the seed of the holy spirit. I had to come to earth as a man to be a living sacrifice for humanity's sins. This is the only legal way under the laws of heaven in which man could be saved. Humanity needed a perfect sacrifice whom I am. Mary can't save you, she is not the mediator between God and man. My word states in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Kobe Bryant made basketball his god instead of I. It hurts me to recount the condition of his eternal soul because I love him dearly, as I do the rest of humankind. My word states in Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Kobe sowed a life full of selfish gain excluding me, so in Hell, he will spend eternity without me doing what consumed him on Earth. He spent his time in a gym neglecting relationships, so in hell he is alone, shrouded in eternal darkness. My children please understand what you place before me on earth will consume you in hell. Kobe has a special pit designed specifically for his torment. He's in a dark hellish gymnasium with nowhere to escape. He's forever surrounded by stone walls with darkness reaching farther than the human eye can see. When Kobe first arrived in hell, he couldn't believe where he was and wondered where his daughter had gone whom died in the helicopter crash with him. He died holding his daughter but now is eternally separated from her. Kobe looks around and he begins to sob. He knows supernaturally his fate is sealed and no hope belongs to him. He drops down and begins to cry with his face in his palms. He knows he's rightfully in hell due to his sports worship and total neglect of Jesus Christ. In Hell, Kobe is forced to dribble a basketball containing sharp spikes. He's forced to dribble and do the same moves that won his championships on earth. He must do this nonstop while the spikes torment him by ripping off the flesh. Kobe screams in agony and pleads for relief, but the demons force him to keep dribbling. If he stops, the demons will punish him severely. Kobe is made to play games with demons who mock him and intentionally foul him by initiating fatal blows to the body. Kobe falls to the ground while demons spew foul language at him only known in hell. In hell, humans have no strength so imagine playing with exhaustion to the millionth level. Now imagine being forced to play at that magnitude while feeling a sense of sickness similar to the flu to a millionth level. This is what Kobe is experiencing. My word says in Acts 17:28, "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." It was I who gave Kobe his physical talent, but in hell, he doesn't have the luxury of profiting off my Godly power as those still on earth do. On earth Kobe was lifted up as a king of Basketball, so in hell a throne made of stone was prepared for him. The demons throw Kobe into hellfire, and his screams and torment surpass human comprehension. Kobe is pulled out of the fire just to be tormented in ways the human mind couldn't fathom. After the demons finish beating him, he's forced to sit on the stone throne. His image is nothing like it was on Earth. He's dark grey with smoke permeating from his being. This is due to his endurance of hell's fire. His face is deformed, with one eye located up and one eye down. It looks like his body is melting. In hell is a demon representative for the Idol worship of Mother Mary. This female demon is big with long claws big enough to consume Kobe in one grab. My children listen to me, this is Kobe's eternal fate. Is a life of fame really worth spending eternity with demons being tormented and separated from me? All of Kobe's basketball accomplishments remain on earth while he perishes for eternity. This is why I urge my children of earth to seek not after temporary things but to focus on those that are eternal. No athlete will be able to take their championship trophies with them when they die.

Kobe is associated with the term "Black Mamba". As Bryant himself explained: “Mamba mentality is all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most,” he said. “It’s the ultimate mantra for the competitive spirit. According to Wikipedia, the black mamba is a species of highly venomous snake belonging to the family Elapidae. Elapidae is a family of snakes characterized by their permanently erect fangs at the front of the mouth. Most elapids are venomous. In a threat display, the black mamba usually opens its inky-black mouth, spreads its narrow neck-flap and sometimes hisses. It is capable of striking at considerable range and may deliver a series of bites in rapid succession. The black mamba is known as one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Kobe Bryant was known as one of the most deadliest players in the sport of basketball. The black mamba was stated earlier as a highly venomous snake. Like the mamba, Kobe Bryant's skill level could be equated to this same level of potency. Snake venom is used to incapacitate its victims, and Kobe used his skills to incapacitate defenders. When a mamba is cornered it shows its fangs, when defenders tried to take the ball from Kobe he showed his fangs as well metaphorically speaking. Mamba's hiss, can equate to men trash-talking. Kobe did a lot of competitive trash talk to his teammates and opponents. Mambas can strike at a considerable range, and Kobe could knock down game-winning shots way beyond the three-point line. Mambas can deliver a series of bites in rapid succession, and Kobe could pull off a basketball move to give his team the advantage in a split second. God gave me more revelation on the Mamba and Kobe comparison. Notice how Mamba's mouths are black on the inside, this represents darkness(evil) that comes from the serpent's mouth. This serpent is poisonous, which represents the lies that harm people's lives. Lies are the darkness that plagues people's lives leaving them in shambles. The serpent is symbolic of Satan. Genesis 3:1-15 describes how Satan, that same serpent came into the garden to convince Adam and Eve why they should eat the fruit forbidden by God. As soon as Adam and Eve listened to Satan's poisonous lie, their life began to be darkened. Satan's fangs bit their intimacy with God and caused it to die in a sense. This resulted in Adam and Eve being cut off from the presence of God. Revelation 12:9 states, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." This same serpent whispered in Kobe Bryant's ear and told him he could be the best. Satan spoke to Kobe and convinced him nothing else matters in life until he accomplishes his goal. Satan didn't tell him to forget about God, he just convinced him to put truth-seeking on the back burner until he finished his basketball career. This is similar to the same lie told to Adam and Eve in the garden when he stated, "You won't surely die". Kobe didn't surely die forsaking God for a hall-of-fame basketball career. But his life was taken from him after his career ended. Kobe was an intelligent man, he knew who Jesus Christ was. He spent his whole life not pursuing Christ, but worldly passions. Kobe didn't know he would die in a helicopter crash on Jan. 26, 2020. He died living a life in pursuit of being the best and famous instead of pursuing Jesus Christ. This is the equivalent of Adam and Eve swallowing the serpent's lie of being "like gods". Unknowingly Kobe sought to be like God, worshipped and dominant. This mindset cost him eternal redemption. The mamba mentality is Satan's mentality. The lie is to do what's important to you in life, nothing else is important. Live a life that's fulfilling to you, not unto God. Do what you feel is best for you. Proverbs 14:12 states, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

The mamba mentality can be summed up with one scripture, John 10:10. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:" Kobe used his life to steal God's time for his own pursuit. Kobe chose to use his life to steal the basketball from offensive players. Kobe chose to use his life to kill the competition. Kobe used his life to destroy his defenders off the dribble. He did all this while ignoring the true and living God, Jesus Christ. Satan successfully stole his heart away from God. Satan successfully took his life before he could realize his wrongs and repent. Satan continues to destroy Kobe Bryant's soul through torture in hell. Kobe sacrificed truly knowing God on an intimate level for a lifetime of basketball achievements. Life isn't about one being the best, but pursuing God and having the best relationship with him before you die. Kobe's selfish lifetime achievements landed him in hell. Do you think it was worth ignoring God? Mark 8:36 states, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

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