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The Dangers Of Alcohol

Updated: Aug 26

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The word alcohol is stated to have roots in the eastern part of the world. Many people consume alcohol but don't understand its origins. This means people aren't aware of what alcohol was originally used for. People look at alcohol as a feel-good substance. They see it as a social gesture, a way to fit in with the crowd. Venues like music videos, movies, radio, and TV shows have made alcohol popular among the masses. The word "alcohol" is rooted in the Arabic word "al-kuhl", which in modern terms is referred to as "kohl". In Arabic, the word "al-kuhl" is said to mean "BODY EATING SPIRIT". This birthed the English root word "ghoul”. Middle Eastern folklore deems the term "ghoul" to represent a demon that consumes stolen corpses or vulnerable children. Interestingly Christianity also references the term demon as unclean spirits within its holy biblical text. Matthew 12:43 states, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none." Remember the scripture states the unclean spirit came out of a man, this means it came out of a human body. Ask yourself why these ghouls/demons/unclean spirits want to be in the human body. It's illegal for a spirit to be on earth if it cannot manifest within a human body. This is why demonic spirits wander the earth looking for suitable hosts. If demons can't find legality to operate on Earth's plain, they must return back to hell. According to 2 Corinthians 5:8, when you die your spirit cant stay on earth without legality. When one loses their body, they lose legality to reside on earth. This means the spirit has to go to its proper destination according to who the person was living for on earth. Joshua 24:15 depicts God demanding humanity to pick whom they will live for. Will humanity live for God almighty or Satan? It's good to note, that whomever you choose to serve will come for your human spirit at the end of your life.

The modern term "alcohol" also means "water with spirit". Let's put the pieces together: "Alcohol is a drink containing ghouls/demons/unclean spirits. When an ignorant victim chooses to consume alcohol, they're giving demons legality to reside in their body. Proverbs 20:1 states "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Demons resting in human bodies mean torment for the human victim. I want to make this clear alcohol is liquid with demons in it.

The word alcohol also stems from the word alchemy. In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the essence of an entity. Alchemy is considered a spiritual science aimed at transforming base metals into noble metals like gold, in pursuit of an elixir of life, and spiritual enlightenment. Alchemy is a combination of chemistry, mysticism, and philosophy. This leads us to the term mysticism. Mysticism refers to the pursuit or experience of direct communion or union with a higher power, divine truth, or ultimate reality. It often involves practices such as meditation, contemplation, prayer, or ritual to achieve a state of transcendence, inner peace, or enlightenment. Why is mysticism such a big part of alchemy? Alchemists are obsessed with transmuting the body to a higher consciousness of spirituality. This is why Alcohol was truly invented. In their search for understanding, Satan took advantage of their lust for spiritual knowledge. 1 Timothy 4:1 states, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" In alchemist search for knowledge, they were influenced by the demonic world. Demons revealed to them how to open themselves up to "spiritual enlightenment" via "liquid substance". The alchemist called this discovery a scientific breakthrough within alchemic philosophy, but it was the inspirational doctrine of demons. This alcoholic substance is a demonic spiritual scientific concoction originating from the satanic kingdom.

The ritual of drinking alcohol in alchemy is to extract the soul from the body, giving place for a "higher spirit" to influence the human body. The soul is the person of the human being. When alcohol is consumed it causes one to lose sight of themselves. This effect is called "drunk" in modern terms. Proverbs 23:21 states, "For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags." To be drunk means to be in a state of intoxication, usually resulting from consuming alcohol beyond a certain limit. It can manifest in various ways, including impaired coordination, slurred speech, altered judgment, and reduced inhibitions. Being drunk can affect cognitive abilities and physical coordination, posing risks to oneself and others. These are all symptoms of an Alcoholic spell. Liquid spells are referred to as potions in the witchcraft world. A spell typically refers to a magical formula, incantation, or ritual performed with the intention of causing a specific outcome or effect. Spells are demonic manipulations. When someone ingests alcohol, they're casting a spell on themselves. Spells are also referred to as curses in witchcraft. Matthew 12:44-45 states, "44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation."

Curses give demons legality to operate in the human body or parts of their life. Alcohol is an effective legality used by demons to enter and influence the lives of men.

Remember alcohol serves as a spiritual astringent. Alcohol was used by alchemist to open themselves up to spiritual entities to influence them in various ways. They hoped to gain enlightenment from these unknown spirits. This was also a common practice amongst various ancient civilizations. The ritual of accessing the spiritual world through strong drink is still commonly used amongst various cultures today. If you have ever seen the movie black panther, for the chosen leader to take the throne, they must first seek wisdom from their ancient ancestors. These ancestors are spirits that once ruled in human form. For the newly chosen leader to access the astral plain(spiritual world), they must first drink the mystical potion. The soul is then extracted from the body and projected to the spiritual plain to commune with spirits. When a person drinks alcohol, their soul is extracted from the body. Demons are now able to occupy that body while the soul is extracted. How is this possible? It all stems from the spiritual frequency. Spiritual frequency is the embodiment of human free will. Free will is a gift given to humanity by God through his grace and mercy. Free will is a fighting chance to decide what spirits will enter and influence our lives. Isaiah 59:19 states, "So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." Free will is also referred to as a standard in biblical scripture. When we drink alcohol, we're lowering our standards toward how God wants us to live. God's standards are high, therefore making him a high-frequency spirit. When we participate in sin, we're lowering our standard /spiritual frequency to that of demons. Demons are considered low-frequency spirits. This is how demons can enter the human body because they're operating on a lower frequency. This means the person delivered their free will over to low-frequency spirits. Alcohol's purpose is to lower your spiritual frequency/Free will/God's protection.

Ecclesiastes 10:8 states, "He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him." Spiritual frequency/Free will/God's protection is also referred to as a hedge. When we partake in the sin of Alcohol, we're performing a satanic ritual on ourselves. We're casting a spell on ourselves. We're cursing ourselves. This curse intends to lower our spiritual frequency for demons to break through God's grace-given protection. Once demons break through, they proceed to enter the human body and manipulate the victim for evil. This is why people commit such offensive acts they wouldn't normally do sober. The victim comes back to their senses(the human soul re-enters the body/demon substance expelled). The victim can't believe they did the things other people state they've done. It was totally out of character, right? That's because it wasn't them, but demons working through them. That's why it's hard for them to remember anything they've done once they wake up in the morning.

List of alcoholic crimes:

  • Intimate Partner Violence- Mental, physical, and emotional abuse towards a spouse or significant other.

  • Child Abuse- Mental, physical, and emotional abuse towards a minor.

  • Homicide- Murder.

  • Sexual Assault- Molestation, rape, or other types of sexual misconduct.

  • Robbery- Forcing someone to give up something that belongs to them.

  • Driving Under the Influence- Driving while intoxicated. This could lead to one's own death or others.

  • Public Intoxication- Destruction of one's public reputation.

In summary, to partake in alcoholic consumption is to partake in witchcraft. Do you really want to cause unnecessary harm to yourself and others? Don't fall for Satan's deception of alcohol. Keep this demonic substance out of your body. Ephesians 4:27 discusses we are not to give a place to the devil. When we drink alcohol, we're giving demons a place to dwell in our bodies. Do you want demons invading and using your body? Please share this article with anyone who is struggling with alcohol consumption.

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