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The Dangers Of Being Unequally Yoked

Updated: Aug 21

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As Christians, God commands us to only establish relational covenants with people who possess the mind of Christ and are living a holy lifestyle. 2 Corinthians 6:14 states, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” Light and darkness cannot mix, God has transformed his children into beings of light. God tells us in this scripture he desires for his followers to have no darkness at all, but be filled with his light. Matthew 6:22-23 states. “22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" The scriptures show that light is associated with humanity's obedience to God's biblical commandments. When we meditate on the word of God, we fill ourselves with his light. When we work to apply it to our everyday lives, we maintain that light within us.

Let’s consider the story of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 2:17, God commanded them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge containing good and evil. Good and evil equates to light and darkness. God revealed what happens to a person who contains both light and darkness. The scripture states that this type of person is destined for death. In Genesis 3:1-7, we see Eve was tempted by the serpent(Satan) to partake in the fruit that contains darkness. Remember the fruit represents knowledge of how to commit evil. Let’s break these scriptures down. When Eve ate the fruit containing darkness, she was no longer considered a being of pure light. Eve was then considered tainted. For a brief moment, Adam had not yet eaten the forbidden fruit, so he was the only one in the relationship who contained pure light. Do you see the puzzle coming together? In that very moment, Eve ate the fruit, the relationship became unequally yoked. 1 Corinthians 15:33 states, “33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners”. Adam allowed Eve to corrupt his good judgment which resulted in him partaking in the same darkness Eve did.

This is the same story with many relationships today. Many Christians get yoked with unbelievers which causes their light to be tainted with darkness. Why do they do this? It’s a known fact that true Christian relationships are hard to come by these days. Christians grow weary of waiting on God to send the right person, so they begin to settle for what is convenient and available. This is dangerous because Christians begin to compromise with darkness. When a Christian chooses to date someone who doesn’t share the same light as them, they begin to accept what God deems an abomination. Christians should strive to be like Christ, so what sense does it make to initiate union with a person who goes against everything God stands for? 1 John 1:5 states, “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” God will only agree to a union with those who are filled with his light only. God will not allow anyone into heaven with darkness in their heart, even if it’s just a small portion. If no amount of darkness is allowed into heaven, then why is the Christian believer ok with accepting darkness into their relationships? For the sake of not being lonely, the average Christian has compromised by accepting a little darkness for the sake of not being lonely. Instead of the Christians waiting on God to provide them with a suitable mate filled with his light, they do their own thing which results in entanglement with darkness. Another word for darkness is sin. You may ask can a little bit of sin corrupt the whole vessel? Yes, it can. Galatians 5:9 states, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” Just a small portion of negativity is enough to corrupt one’s total character. Things the Christian wasn’t ok doing prior is now not so bad. The Christian begins to compromise in their mind allowing Satan to lie to them. He tells them God knows your heart, he will forgive you. The longer the Christian stays in that ungodly relationship, the less Christian they become. In the end, their complete Christian integrity is compromised and they no longer have guilt for sinning in that ungodly relationship.

After time has passed, both parties of the relationship have little to no light left in them. Being mixed with light and darkness equates with being lukewarm, you’re neither hot nor Cold. Revelation 3:15-16 confirms that God rejects this spiritual state. If a Christian has a lukewarm relationship with God, he will not permit you to enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who are all in will enter the kingdom of heaven. You can’t have one foot in heaven and the other in hell. You must choose where you want to go. If you can’t, God will decide for you. If God doesn’t tolerate a lukewarm relationship with his people, then Christians shouldn’t tolerate lukewarm relationships with others on earth.

Satan seeks for an opening to attack Christians. His number one tactic is unequally yoked partners. Ecclesiastes 10:8 states, “He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.” Those who have given their lives to our lord Jesus Christ and have vowed to live holy are protected by a spiritual hedge of fire. This is a divine defensive tactic against Satan's attacks. As long as we stay close to Jesus in our daily walk, Satan has a hard time attacking Christians. According to Ephesians 6:16, Satan's attacks are considered dangerous darts. If you have ever been to a bar, they will normally have a dart game section. Satan sees your life as a game which he takes serious. He competes with God for your soul. Satan sees you as an open target which he continually seeks to hit. He hates to miss his mark and will work tirelessly to perfect his aim in your life. According to Ephesians 6:10-18, the scriptures express the importance of being suited with the full armor of God, so you can withstand the attacks of the devil. The devil sends darts to your health all the way to your finances. Anywhere there is an opening, he will send a dart. Since true Christians are protected by hedges of fire, he has to get tactical to penetrate their armor. This is where the “unequally yoked relationships strategy” comes into play. Remember 1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us how bad influences taint a Christian moral judgment. We began to perform the same actions as that worldly partner. The Christian starts cursing, watching, and listening to worldly things, gossiping, slandering, engaging in premarital sex, and much more. When the Christian does this on a repeated basis, they weaken the hedge of fire around them. The tainted Christian begins to lose parts of their armor, please refer to Ephesians 6:10-18. Now the Christians are commuting throughout the battlefield of life missing vital armor needed to protect themselves. Places in your life where the armor of God is absent represent openings to Satan. The devil can then proceed to attack the vulnerable areas in your life. What does Satan attack you with? The answer is Witchcraft!!!! Witchcraft is the art of spiritual practice performed to physically manipulate a human's life. The purpose of witchcraft is to birth curses that will lead to one’s destruction and bondage. Job 5:12 states, “He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.” As long as Christian believers are living a true life of holiness and prayer, it’s hard for witchcraft to affect them. Through prayer, God is always revealing the secret things of Satan to prevent Christians from falling into his traps. Witchcraft is the act of conjuring curses that give demons a place to inhabit and destroy your life. When Christians willingly participate in sin, they give way to curses to affect their lives. How do we know this? Hebrews 10:26 states, “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins”. When we choose to willingly sin, we choose to walk away from the blood that covers us as Christians. Many Christians are ensnared in ungodly activities with the children of darkness ignorantly. This means a lot of Christians are participating in activities and own many objects that go against the word of God. This is Satan's deception, to willingly have a Christian sin ignorantly. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 states, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope”. Ignorance is not an excuse for sin in the eyes of almighty God. This exemplifies the importance of prayer because it is communication between humanity and our God. Through constant communication, God will always reveal sin in our lives to keep us away from hellfire. It’s impossible to know where you stand with God when you don’t consistently communicate with him. When Christians entertain ungodly relationships, they tend to neglect their relationship with God. This leads to a lack of prayer and studying God's word. Matthew 6:24 states, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” This causes one to sacrifice relationship time with God to invest it in satanic relationships. This is why many Christians once on fire for God begin to stop coming or leave the church permanently. I’ve seen countless church members leave the fold due to ungodly relationships. Why is it so hard for Christians to find Godly relationships in the church? Due to disobedience, Christians want things when they want them. They’re not willing to wait on God, and therefore turn to Satan to meet their needs. People turn to Satan for short-term convenience. This is why the church is scarce of spouse options.

The greatest danger that comes from unequally yoked relationships is premarital sex and sex had with a spouse who is an unbeliever. 1 Corinthians 6:16 states, “What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.” When a true Christian engages in sex with an unbeliever, the darkness within them begins to enter the Christian. Darkness also equates to curses. When both flesh become one, it symbolizes a Union of marriage in the spirit. So whatever curses have legality over the unbeliever, now have legality over the Christian. Curses are gateways for demons to legally enter one’s life. So we understand through sexual union, curses are transferred to their unsuspecting victim. This spiritual transaction gives demons an entry point. This sexual union transferred every demon the unbeliever had into the Christians life. This is the sneaky deception of Satan. Let’s go deeper. Curses that extend back to one’s ancestors are called generational curses. If a Christian engages in sexual acts with an unbeliever, those generational demons will now plague the Christian’s family descendants. A lot of times these curses go unaddressed by the Christians because they are ignorant of them. They assume newfound problems in their life are coincidences, but they spawn from unequally yoked relationships. This is why God warns us to be careful who we come into sexual and matrimonial unions with. The number of curses that could be plaguing an ignorant Christian can be endless. Curses don’t stop just because you get saved. You have to break those curses on your family line. Hosea 4:6 states, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” People perish due to the lack of understanding of how Satan sneakily enters their lives. Let’s do some math. Say before Christ a person slept with 3 people. Those 3 people slept with 3 people each before sleeping with the pre-Christian. The pre-Christian now has 12 curses with demons connected to them. Let’s say this person with a past sexual history outside of marriage is now saved living for Jesus. This person still may have curses that are not addressed, so they still may have demons plaguing them. Again I reiterate that just because you get saved, doesn’t mean you still don’t need deliverance. This person who is now Christian gets married and yoked to an unbeliever. They engage in sexual union. The Christians marriage partner slept with 3 people outside of marriage before they met them. Let’s say those three people also slept with 3 people. That unbeliever has 12 curses connecting them to demons. If the Christian didn’t break the curses out of their own life before the marriage engagement, they now have 12 curses from their past and 12 new curses as a product of their spouse's past sexual history or worldly activities. That Christian now has 24 total curses to break on their life from both bloodlines. If the Christian did break the curses on their bloodline to free themselves from past demonic unions, they still have the 12 new curses to deal with from being in an ungodly relationship not sanctioned by God. This is the tactic Satan uses to get demons access to Christian's life. Don’t forget when two get married, they marry into each other’s bloodlines. That means if past curses and demons aren’t dealt with in a spouse's life, the other spouse inherits those problems too. This is possible because both parties become one flesh, so they are looked at in the spiritual realm as one person.

It’s hard for Satan to operate where godly light is present and shining strong. Once a being of light begins to mingle with darkness, it taints its light. This makes their light less effective and gives demons more room to fight against that light. These demons seek to put out that light for good so it no longer poses a threat to the kingdom of darkness. A Christian ministry can’t be maximum effective if they’re yoked to an unbeliever in matrimonial union. One wants to go to church and get closer to God, the other doesn’t. One wants to do the work of God, the other scolds the believer for putting the things of God first. If both parties were Christian this wouldn’t be a problem because both would only seek to do the Lord's will. Where there is synergy in union there is effectiveness in assignments. Christians have to understand we are extensions of God's kingdom. Luke 17:20-21 confirms this. Every time a Christian evangelizes and leads a person to Christ, they extend the kingdom of God on earth. Mark 3:24 states, “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” When a believer unequally yokes themselves to an unbeliever, they’re mixing God's kingdom with Satan. This causes confusion and failure. So for God's kingdom to stand and be effective, it must not be tainted with darkness. This life is a battle of Kingdoms, God's Kingdom vs Satan's Kingdom. Genesis 1:28 states, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." According to this scripture, God wants his kingdom to multiply on the earth and subdue it. Dominion means to have total dominance over a territory. How can God's kingdom accomplish this if they’re in bed with the enemy? You cannot mix kingdoms. One must dominate the other.

When people think of STDs, they instantly think of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. These diseases don’t originate from the physical realm, but the spiritual. So it’s a spiritually transmitted disease. Before anything takes place within the physical realm, it manifests first in the spiritual. Genesis 1 is a perfect example of this. God spoke resolution from the spiritual and it began to take shape in the physical. Satan is well aware of this spiritual phenomenon and he uses it to his advantage. Curses are born in the spiritual, then they manifest in the physical. STDs are considered curses. Remember a curse can be a byproduct of sin in one’s life. As we discussed earlier in this article, sin is disobedience to God's word. STDs each have demons that serve as their specialty. James 1:14-15 states, "14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

Please pay attention to this last section I’m about to discuss. Satan has agents that he uses to infiltrate people's lives. Satan likes targeting real Christians. He does this to kill the fire of God in your life. Once your protection is down, these agents will then proceed to kill you. 1 John 4:1 states, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” Christians need to have discernment. A Christian could be dating Satan's agent unaware. Please know that all Satan's agents are witches who are submerged heavenly in the world of witchcraft. Their assignment is to steal your virtues, blessings, etc. They aim to kill the light of God in your life. They seek to destroy everything good God has established in your life. Their ultimate goal is to get you to turn your back on God and kill you before you have a chance to repent. Satan wants to take Christians out so they can no longer produce converts for Jesus Christ. This is proven in John 10:10. That woman you have a huge crush on could be a satanic agent. That guy that gives you butterflies could be a planted satanic agent. That girl at your school who keeps smiling at you could be a satanic agent. That boy in your classroom who has a nice voice could be a planted satanic agent. Those girls you and the boys met at a late-night party could be a satanic agent. That new friend you made at church could be a satanic agent. That person you have a crush on at work could be a satanic agent. Once these agents yoke with their victims via sexual activity, you have now been inducted into the world of witchcraft. This means you are now subject to witchcraft manipulation. The agent's private parts could be poisoned with witchcraft, which could cause their victims to be marked for death by physical ailment or tragic accident. They have legal rights to do so because the unsuspecting victim opened the door and gave them legal rights through sexual covenant. These agents could also try to kill the Christian through physical means if the divine protection has been breached by sin. Now that the victim is vulnerable to a satanic attack, there are countless ways an agent can manipulate them or take their life. If the agent can’t kill the victim, they will waste their life away through poverty and emotional oppression. This tactic is designed to make sure the victim fails in everything and never successfully fulfills God's calling on their lives. Most times, satanic agent victims come up missing never to be seen again. Have you ever read or heard about a missing person on social media and news platforms? I guarantee satanic agents had something to do with it. Ephesians 4:27 states, “Neither give place to the devil”. Please know that many demons accompany these satanic agents on assignment. The ignorant Christians are most times oblivious to this spiritual reality. You must understand it isn’t just sex, but a spiritual battle is taking place in the realms as you commit sexual sins. The angels are fighting to keep hordes of demons from taking your life. In conclusion, it’s important to wait on God for a mate as a dedicated Christian. The person you choose to establish a covenant with could make or break your future. It could be the difference between living a prosperous long life or a long life of failure. It could be the difference between you living a long life or dying prematurely. It could be the difference between you going to heaven or hell.

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