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The Dangers Of Curse Words

Updated: Aug 27

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Disclaimer: I would like to apologize if this article offended anyone. For the full truth to be shared, this message could not be sugarcoated.

Words are used as tools for communication. God is the creator of communication. According to Genesis 11:7, God is responsible for diverse spoken languages. Language is a collective sum of singular words. However, Satan polluted the purity of God's created languages. Acts 13:10 states, "And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?" It's Satan's agenda to bend communication to his evil purpose. This is why humanity needs to understand the causes and effects of our words. According to Revelation 13:11, Satan wants the world to speak like a dragon. To speak like a dragon means to speak against everything God stands for. Words can create and destroy. God used words to bring creation into existence according to Genesis 1. Humanity needs to understand our reality is created and shaped by the very words we speak out of our mouths. If we speak good, our reality will set things in motion to become good. If we speak bad, our reality will set things in motion to become bad.

The words Fuck, Shit, Ass, Damn, Bitch, and Hell have been used interchangeably throughout human dialogue since we can remember. What people don’t question is the origin of these words. When one tries to learn a new language, why aren’t these curse words mentioned within the course curriculum? If curse words are a part of human language, why can’t children speak them? Why are curse words considered rude when said to someone with the intent of disrespect? Why do people get offended when you curse at them? Why aren’t curse words acceptable in school paper assignments? Why can’t the president stand before the American people to deliver a speech using curse words? Why is it considered taboo for the preacher to curse on the pulpit? Why is it considered disrespectful for a child to curse at their parents? You see subconsciously everyone knows these words are bad and don’t serve any purpose for good. Despite people knowing these words are bad, why do they continue to use them?

I ask again, where do you think these words are sourced from? Revelation 13:6 states, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” This is part of a passage describing a beast that rises from the sea, often interpreted symbolically in Christian eschatology. The verse suggests a figure or entity speaking arrogantly against God and everything associated with him, portraying a theme of rebellion and opposition to divine authority. Interpretations of Revelation can vary among different Christian denominations. As we see from this verse, the beast comes from a demonic source. Only demons speak blasphemy. When someone uses these types of words, they’re speaking the language of demons. They’re allowing demons to use them as a mouthpiece. Where do demons come from? Matthew 25:41 states, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:”. From this scripture, we can conclude hell is the home of fallen angels and demons. This means when one speaks curse words, they’re speaking a language originating from hell.

Curse words are also an instrument of witchcraft. They are used as a key to open the door to spiritual legality. Ecclesiastes 5:2 states, “Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few”. The spiritual realm harkens to every word you utter, looking for a legal way to enter Earth's plain for manipulation. This is why you must be careful of what you speak because words can have an extreme impact on you or another’s life. Why must spirits depend on human words to operate on earth? Genesis 1:26 states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” The spiritual realm is governed by Godly law. God made Earth humankind’s domain. This means spirits can’t operate on Earth without human permission. When you speak curse words you permit evil spirits to function on earth's plain. When people use curse words, they are unknowingly using witchcraft. It’s a reason why we call them “curse” words. When witches perform witchcraft, they produce curses, right? Curses are words chanted in rituals by witches right? What do you think you’re doing when you use curse words?

Proverbs 18:21 states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” The spiritual realm can be broken down into two sectors which are good and evil. The good sector of the spiritual realm is solely responsible for the manifestation of blessings. The evil sector is solely responsible for manifestations of curses. A blessing is a prayer or expression of goodwill and divine favor. It is often invoked to seek protection, guidance, or positive outcomes for oneself or others. Additionally, a blessing can refer to a state of being favored or experiencing happiness and prosperity. A curse is a solemn utterance intended to invoke harm, misfortune, or punishment upon someone or something. It's a form of imprecation or an expression of strong disapproval and negative consequences. Curses are often associated with supernatural or spiritual beliefs and are expressed with the belief that they can bring about adverse effects on the target. When people speak positivity, they’re speaking in heavenly nature. When Christians speak the word of God, they manifest blessings from the heavens. This is what it means to speak life into a situation. When people speak negatively, they begin to function in a demonic nature. Why? Because no good can come from a demon. Demons are pure evil, as God is pure righteousness. When people speak the words of Satan, they begin to manifest curses from hell. When you curse about a person, situation, place, or thing, you speak death on that target. This could mean misfortune will befall the target. It could also mean destruction is being attached to the target and whoever becomes associated with the target gets affected by its evil. Death could mean the destruction of progress or the literal ending of one’s life. This is the essence of witchcraft, to manipulate a target for evil. Through your curse words, demons can function. When you speak curse words, demons come forth to enforce what you say. Curse words are not just the words I mentioned earlier in this article. Curse words could also be anything negative stated against a person place or thing that means no good to the target.

I want you to pay attention to the next section of this article. This is where it gets interesting.


Have you ever heard this word used like this?

1. Hey, you want to fuck?

2. Fuck you!!!

3. Shut the fuck up!!!

4. None of your fucking business!!!

5. Get the fuck out!!!

6. What the fuck?

7. You're fucking up!!!

8. You got me fucked up!!!

9. You motherfucker!!!

10. Fuck this!!!!

I know this is humorous to some, but let me break this down for you. Fuck is a curse that can be stated and enacted. When either one of these is done, the demon of Fuck manifest. 1 Corinthians 7:2 states, “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” Sex before marriage is considered fornication. This is a sin unto God. Two people outside of marriage having sex is called fucking. Why? Because they are cursing themselves through participation in sin. The two parties mutually agree on the allowance to curse one another through premarital sex. When they sin, they give legality for curses to function in their lives. This in return gives demons the legality to come and oppress their lives. Not only that, but your sex partner's demons now have access to you as well. Demons and curses can be transferred from one another through sex. STDs are demonic curses. Have things ever started going wrong after you had sex with a certain person? Well, now you know why. When someone uses the word fuck in any of the several examples I gave above, they are placing curses on the target. I would like to elaborate on the 8th one. To say you got me fucked up would mean you’re allowing destruction to come upon you. Those who use this word are calling upon spirits of misfortune. This spirits assignment is to make sure everything starts going wrong in your life. Your car won't crank, your car crashes, your health declines, your marriage declines, bad performance in activities, loss of job, kicked out of school, loss of house, loss of friends, loss of pertinent opportunities, financial loss, etc.


Have you ever heard this word used like this?

1. I don’t give a shit!!!

2. This shits nasty!!!

3. I’m not staying for this shit!!!

4. Shit happens!!!

5. I don’t need this shit in my life!!!

6. I’m about to go take a shit!!!

7. I take no shit off no one!!!

8. That’s some bullshit!!!

9. I don't want to hear this shit!!!

I know this is humorous to some, but let me break this down for you. Shit physically speaking is referred to as body waste. It’s an unclean substance that’s expelled from the body once unneeded. Romans 14:14 states, “I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean” This verse discusses Jesus deciding what is unclean. What Jesus deems unclean is considered a sin. Shit is a curse that can be stated and enacted. When we state this word, unclean substance comes from our mouth in the spirit world. You can’t see it, but the demons can. Demons are pure filth and will attach themselves to anything sharing the same origins of filth. Holy angels can see this sinful substance as well and it can cause them to be withdrawn from you. Righteous spirits don't like being in the presence of sin. So when they're absent, guess who's present? When you target a person, place, or thing with that word, you’re spewing unclean spiritual substance onto that target. You mark that target for evil and demons will approach the marked target because hell has possibilities of legal claim on it. If you curse in your room a lot, guess what? You’ve made it filthy in the spiritual realm and don’t be surprised if demonic entities are attracted to your room. On this note, if you listen to media with heavy cursing in it, you submerge yourself in unclean substance, giving demons strongholds(excuses) to dwell in your space. We as people need to remove sin from our lives by allowing God to cleanse us. When our life remains clean through righteousness, it's hard for demons to be comfortable settling in our lives.


Have you ever heard this word used like this?

1. You’re a dumbass!!!

2. I don’t trust your ass!!!

3. Your ass is mine!!!

4. I’m going to kick your ass!!!

5. Get your ass out of here!!!

6. Kiss my ass!!!

I know this is humorous to some, but let me break this down for you. The word ass is normally referred to as a human or animal buttocks. The buttocks are located behind the body. In spiritual principle, this means you’re last. This also means you're more susceptible to taking "shit" off people. Deuteronomy 28:13 states, “And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:”. When a person uses the word ass to target someone, they’re calling you a lesser being. This curse word is conveying you’re not good enough or worthless. This curse word can also invoke the spirit of loss in one’s life. This curse word coveys you’re less intelligent. This curse word operates in the form of spiritual demotion. If you look carefully, you can pull the word demon from demotion. When one chooses to operate in demonic activity, they vibe at a low spiritual frequency. This curse is intended to make a mockery of one's life. Demons will function behind this word to make sure you're not taken seriously in life. You're always the "ass" of someone's joke. You're supernaturally manipulated into situations that make you look less intelligent or irresponsible. This curse causes people to lose faith in your dependability. Again I reiterate this could cause demotion or loss in your life. Do you want people to laugh at you as if your life is a joke?


Have you ever heard this word used like this?

1. Damn you!!!

2. I don’t give a damn!!!

3. (Gods title) with damn on the end

4. You ain’t worth a damn!!!

5. Damn you to hell!!!

6. This damn place!!!

7. Your damn mind!!!

I know this is humorous to some, but let me break this down for you. In earthy terms, a dam is a barrier constructed across a river or watercourse to control and impound water, creating a reservoir for various purposes, such as irrigation, water supply, or hydroelectric power generation. Just like earthy dams, the curse word damn can operate as a spiritual barrier to keep things in or a spiritual blockade to keep things out. Psalm 107:16 states, “For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.” This verse is part of a larger context where the psalmist reflects on God’s deliverance and mercy. This specific verse symbolically portrays God’s ability to break through seemingly impenetrable barriers and set people free from captivity or distress. What are bars? Bars are materials used to create a cage around a target. It’s designed to keep something from getting out. Where do bars originate from? Jonah 2:6 states, “I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God.” This verse describes Jonah’s experience of going through trials in his life. This verse also reveals to us that bars come from hell. Hells bars are used to keep one in bondage. When a person uses the curse word damn, they’re summoning demonic spiritual bars against a person, place, or thing. They're uttering witchcraft whose intention is to cage the soul. This causes spiritual blockage, hindrance, and bondage in one’s life. I was going to end this section, but God insisted I add more insight. When someone takes the word “G.O.D” and adds “damn” at the end of it, they are asking god to curse people. They're asking God the Father to bring about damnation to whoever or whatever the word was intended to target. Leviticus 19:12 states, “And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.” God hates it when his name is associated with evil. God cherishes his reputation and it angers him when someone speaks ill of him. Exodus 20:16 states, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” When you do this, you’re bearing false witness against God. All who do this will reap what they sow. If the profane don’t ask for forgiveness, they will be punished by God. Matthew 4:7 states, "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." God doesn’t like to be tempted by evil. When you project evil onto someone using his name in a curse word, it angers him. This tempts God to destroy you instead of the target the curse word was intended for.


Have you ever heard this word used like this?

1. You’re a bitch!!!

2. Stop acting like a bitch!!!

3. That was a bitch move!!!

4. Sons of bitches!!!

5. I’m a bad bitch!!!

6. She’s/he’s my bitch!!!

7. I will make you my bitch!!!

I know this is humorous to some, but let me break this down for you. By definition, bitch is considered a female dog. When a person targets a victim with this curse word, they’re either emasculating or dehumanizing the person. They refuse to address you as a human being with authority and have brought you down to a common animal. Genesis 1:26-28 states, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” According to this verse, God gave us dominion over the animals. When someone calls you a bitch, they're announcing they have dominion over you. This manifests the spirit of unlawful slavery. If not dealt with, a person destined for leadership can be chained to a life of shameful servitude. This could also mean you spend your whole life as the borrower and not the lender. Deuteronomy 28:12 states, “The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow." This curse can cause a business owner to fail and revert to a 9-5 job. It can cause demotion in various organizations like church or work when it comes to rank. A person you once managed, will now manage you. Even when they’re less qualified, witchcraft makes this possible. This is also a tool of the narcissist spirit. Be careful how you let people speak to you. Be careful following these types of people. They will manipulate you through witchcraft.


Have you ever heard this word used like this?

1. Shut the hell up!!!

2. What the hell?!!

3. Hell no!!!

4. Get the hell out!!!

5. Hell yeah!!!

6. I’ll see you in hell!!!

I know this is humorous to some, but let me break this down for you. Hell according to the bible is considered to be a place of fire and torment. 2 Samuel 22:6 states, “The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me;”. It baffles me how we as humans knowing this, continue to use it in our everyday conversations. Many people argue against hell's existence. Although hell is a place, it’s also a curse word. When we use curse words, we’re swearing. When we swear by using the word hell, we’re swearing by the authority of hell itself. This isn’t good because demons from hell gain legality in whatever your conversation was about. Whatever you swear against, demons from hell will make sure it comes to pass on a demonic level. Matthew 5:34 states, “But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:” Within God's spiritual laws, he instructs us not to swear. This is for our own good because we know not all the damage it could cause in our lives or someone else’s. Have you ever seen the movie scenario where a victim stumbles upon a cursed item that grants wishes? The victim states his/her wish, victim ends up getting more than what they bargained for. For example, a person could wish to lose weight. The cursed object grants this wish but to demonic extremes. The person loses too much weight and dies from it. That’s how the curse of Hell works. Incorrect usage of the word hell calls upon demons from hell itself to intervene with the target the word was intended for.

Satanic Conditioning

Satan has conditioned curse words to be acceptable in society. When you watch most worldly comedies, you see comedians using profane language throughout their whole act. These programs are used to associate cursing with feelings of happiness. When you turn on worldly rap music, you hear artists using profane language throughout their whole song. These programs are used to associate cursing with feelings of excitement and curiosity. Movies and TV shows are heavily used as well. Whenever something significant takes place in a scene, a curse word can be found in the actor's script. How often have you seen people laugh or get emotional over such things in the movie theater? Social media is flooded with this foul language. You can't get through 20 seconds of video without curse words entering your ears. Most of the time, 60 percent of influencer speeches are pure curse words.

Side Note

It’s important to note what you give out in this world, must return to you. It’s a spiritual law. Galatians 6:7 states, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” This means the same curse you project onto someone else will come back around to you. Would you like that? Satan can’t curse real Christians, but he can get them to curse themselves through ignorance of spiritual laws. 2 Corinthians 2:11 states, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” Do Christians have the authority to curse things? Matthew 21: 19-21 states, "19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away. 20 And when the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away! 21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done." These passages prove Christians can indeed invoke misfortune with their words. This is why Christians must be responsible with their words due to Godly authority bestowed upon them. Satan can trick Christians into destroying themselves through God-given authority.

Based on what we covered in this article, Christians should refrain from using all forms of curse words. James 3:10 states, “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be” The spiritual realm is a battle between good and evil. It’s a game of chess, blessings and curses are the board pieces. Can a player win a chess match using his opponent's pieces? No, you have to win using your pieces. With the usage of righteousness, one can cause evil to be hung by its own game pieces. You don't have to become evil to fight evil. Regardless of what Satan chooses to do with his game pieces, God can use Satan's moves against him. Genesis 50:20 states, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” When the devil thinks he’s winning God will reveal he’s been using him like a pawn in a game as old as time. What are the game pieces? Blessings and Curses are the game pieces. Now do you understand how crazy you look as a Christian spewing curses? You’re supposed to be a blessing wherever you go. A Christian's job is to counter curses. You're not operating in blessings when you choose to damage your witness. Ephesians 4:29 states, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers”. We as Christians should abide by this verse to ensure we remain a valuable piece on the board. Don’t be a walking contradiction, speak life wherever you go.

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