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The G.O.A.T Deception

Updated: Aug 26

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The acronym G.O.A.T is used alot in sports, entertainment, and many other influential areas. The acronym goat spelled out means the following:

G- Greatest

O- Of

A- All

T- Time

This is a famous term used to describe people who have dedicated their lives to mastering a particular calling or skill. I am sure you're familiar with the phrases below:

  • That rapper is the goat.

  • That football player is the goat.

  • That basketball player is the goat.

  • That singer is the goat.

  • That actor is the goat.

Humanity doesn't understand what it means to be a goat and where this term originated from. No one ever asks the important questions, they go along with the new trends of the time. According to the bible, identifying with the term goat is not a good thing. The Bible identifies the world as filled with two types of people, "goats" or "sheep".

According to Matthew 25:14–30 Jesus taught a parable about a rich master who entrusted talents(money) to the three servants. Two of the servants used the money to the glory of the master and did exactly what he expected them to do with it. One took his talent and buried it in the earth. The Lord revealed a divine revelation to me about one who was considered a lazy servant.

Divine Revelation 1: God told me the term "Talent" was used in the parable and is considered a unit of currency, but he wants us to understand the term "Talent" used in the KJV bible of Mathews is also used to describe the spiritual gifts God has given to every man and woman on earth. When someone excels at a sport or activity, people tend to say "That's God-given talent" or "Some stuff you have to be born with". In Matthew 25:14–30, we see two servants were considered profitable, this means they were spiritually profitable with the spiritual gifts given by God. This means they used God's gifts on earth for God's will and not their own. However, the third servant took his gift and buried it in the earth, which means he used his gift for selfish fleshy desires. When you're not using your talent(gifts) for God's will, you're placing the importance of your will above his own. This is a form of stealing God's glory. The third servant was more concerned with his glory instead of being an ambassador of God's glory. God gave us these gifts to build his kingdom, not the kingdom of the flesh.

Matthew 25:31-33 states as follows:

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Jesus Christ will return to earth to recover his sheep. To be considered a sheep by God means you allow him to order the steps of your life. This is what shepherds do according to Psalm 23: 1-2. I read online additionally, that sheep and goats have different behaviors and tendencies, so separating them can help manage their care more effectively. For example, sheep tend to be more docile and flock-oriented, while goats are more independent and curious.

Two things stuck out to me in this explanation:

  • Goats and sheep have different dietary desires

    • 1 Corinthians 10:21 states, "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."

      • To accept God's guidance and instruction is considered to be sustaining food and water that Christians consume. Christians are considered sheep because they depend on God for everything.

      • Goats are people who tend to do things their way thinking they don't need God. They're also people who seek out spiritual guidance from other spiritual influences whom are in direct opposition to God.

  • Goats are more independent and curious

    • 1 Timothy 4:1 states, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;"

      • Goats are people who seek answers from within themselves instead of God. They refuse to accept God's guidance as the truth for direction in their life.

      • They reject the bible to receive human opinion and demonic doctrine as truth. This could be worldly education, new age, and occultic books.

God considers us his children according to Romans 8:16. A sheep's child is referred to as a lamb. The acronym lamb spelled out means the following:

L- Life's

A- About

M- Multiplying

B- Biblical Truths

Godly sheep are only concerned with what needs to be done to please the heart of God. Followers of Christ seek to do the will of God daily. They do not put self-interest above God's will. There is nothing wrong with having careers, businesses, and hobbies. The problem is when we allow these things to consume more time than we use to do the work of God. God hates when we use all our energy for earthly activities and then say we don't have time to spend with him in prayer. 1 John 3:10 discusses whoever does the works of God are his children and whoever does the work of the devil is his children. From my article's explanation so far we can deduce that lambs represent Christ's followers and Goats represent the devil's followers.

What does the devil have to do with the acronym goat?

Isaiah 14:13 states, 13 "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

Lucifer now known as Satan is the true embodiment of pride. He was one of the greatest angels God ever created. He was the most beautiful, smartest, and anointed angel in heaven. He was one of God's right-hand men and was bestowed great responsibility. He was also given territory to govern and rule. Satan was very influential amongst other angels, which led him down a path of pride. Satan began to get jealous that Jesus was getting all the glory when he felt like he should be worshipped the same. He felt Jesus was the same rank as him or lower. Satan felt since his rank and splendidness echoed similarities to Jesus, he shouldn't have to be considered lower than him, but equal. He felt he deserved the same worship and praise Jesus received. Satan felt like he could do a better job than Jesus in his position as the son of God. Satan felt he was better than the other angels. Satan felt he was better than Jesus, crazy right?

Divine Revelation 2: Isaiah 14:13-14 defines the spirit of competition and pride. Satan's goal is to prove that he can rule and get the masses to bow down in worship to him as God. Satan is utilizing his God-given abilities for his own selfish desires. He has forsaken the calling God created him for to pursue self-worship. When people use their God-given gifts for selfish gain, they are following in the footsteps of Satan. To "ascend into heaven" means you aspire to be better than someone else in your arena of gift or life in general. To "exalt my throne above the stars of God" means to place yourself above all of human creation due to you being gifted with something someone else may not possess. To "sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north" means to take God's place as one who is worshiped by creation. This is what celebrities in sports and entertainment do, the masses willingly worship them as idols because of God-given gifts. These celebrities use their God-given gifts to receive worship from man instead of allowing those gifts to persuade people to worship God. To "be like the most High" means to be worshiped and praised like him. Only God himself deserves this and Satan has tricked the masses into thinking it's okay to desire fame. For years people have dedicated their lives to neglecting God and compromising integrity to receive worldly worship. When we use our gifts to pursue self-fame and worship, we are walking the same path Satan did that got him kicked out of heaven. God didn't create humanity to prove we can be better than each other, but to understand we are all equal in Christ with different giftings.

Baphomet is a symbol created by demonically inspired Éliphas Lévi, which has been associated with various meanings throughout history, often depicted as a goat-headed figure with wings and various other symbolic elements. In medieval times, it was linked to accusations of heresy and witchcraft. In modern occultism, it's often seen as a symbol of balance, representing both light and darkness, masculine and feminine energies. It has also been adopted by some modern pagan and occult groups as a representation of individualism and personal enlightenment. This symbol is used in satanic religions and movies.

Anton Szandor LaVey was the Author of The Satanic Bible, High Priest, and founder of The Church of Satan. Notice he has the same image of Baphomet in his background. Satan chose Éliphas Lévi and Anton Szandor LaVey as major ambassadors to embody in physical example what it means to live with the mindset of Satan and carry out his will in the flesh. This goat symbol is very well-known and popular amongst many pagan societies. There's even a public statue of Baphomet in Arkansas's capital.

Divine Revelation 3: Regarding the Baphomet symbol, horns represent power in the bible. Look at how big the goat's horns are, this represents how big Satan's authority was in heaven. Notice how black they are, this represents his spiritual office being perverted. It's also a symbol of spiritual demotion by God. Once Lucifer "the sun of the morning"(Isaiah 14:12), now Satan "the prince of darkness"(.John 14:30). Notice how flamboyant the horns are, this represents how greatly Satan was lifted up in pride. Notice the wings, this confirms that Satan is an angel with wings. Ezekiel 28:14 confirms he was a cherubim, the bible confirms these types of angels have wings. Notice the wings are black, this represents his fall from grace(Ezekiel 28:15). Notice his right hand pointing up while his left hand is pointing down. This has many occultic meanings, but God is saying it also represents Lucifer's desire to be considered equal to God even though he is now a being of darkness. Satan teaches his followers to believe light and darkness are equal. The occultists have been deceived into believing good and evil exist on an equal spectrum and that Godhood can be achieved within either spectrum of spirituality. This is the great deception of Satan, to convince the masses they can be as Gods. This means to be worshipped and praised above God. Satan desires to steal God's worship and he has deceived his followers to desire the same as him. It's ironic because God created humanity with gifts to lead others to worship and follow God, instead those gifts are used to steal God's worship. Do you understand now? This is what it really means to be considered a "goat", you're coming into agreement with Satan that you can be as God.

Below is modern-day proof of how prominent figures have embraced the lifestyle of the goat mindset. Although their sacrifice and hard work are something to be admired, the cost of doing so outweighs the accomplishments. I've seen these athletes arguing and getting into fights over a sports game. I've seen people hate each other due to a person being a fan of another team. I've witnessed rappers feud with each other over music for the sake of competition. How many relationships have you witnessed come to ruin due to competition? The fans are entertained by division due to satanic programming through the Baphomet doctrine. Does this goat behavior mimic the character of God? Submitting to the Baphomet spirit will always bring division, submitting to God's spirit will always bring unity. Many celebrities are willing to sacrifice moral integrity to gain an advantage. No celebrity listed below is known for anything that has to do with Christianity within mainstream media. From what I have discussed in this article, now you can see how people even in modern times have sacrificed everything to pursue immortality amongst men. How many celebrities below do you think have a solid relationship with God? Their life has been built upon being the best instead of seeking God. These listed celebrities have some of the greatest work ethic you will ever see and have accomplished great things. How much time do you think they took seeking God's will for their lives? Their whole life has been about them. When your life is consumed with you instead of God, you embrace the path of Baphomet(Satan). Do you think any of their championship trophies, rings, money, fans, and platinum albums will get them into heaven? Mark 8:36 states, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Micheal Jordan Kobe Bryant Nikola Jokic

Rapper Drakes Album-

" For All The Dogs" Rapper- Little Waynes Necklace Tom Brady

In conclusion, Satan has programmed the world to believe it's bad to be a sheep. It's never bad being a sheep when you let the right person shepherd you(Jesus Christ). God didn't send humanity to earth to prove we can be better than one another. He sent us to earth to come together in him as sheep, not seeking our own path like a goat(Satan). I pray you now understand the true meaning of life. True success is learning God's will for your life and carrying it out successfully. True success in life is not competing against one another, but working together to build the kingdom of God. True success in life is not fighting and arguing with people, but loving one another. Imagine what this world would be like if humanity spent their time working together to build each other up, instead of competing and stepping on each other trying to be the best. God gave us gifts(talents) to function in unity, not division.

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